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Minister of Justice Kiritapu Allan. Image credit The BFD.

Phil Green

I for one am not crying over the Kiri Allan self-destruction, and am honest enough to say it.

She put the bejesus up me with her juggernaut commitment to enact the hate speech law, which not only highlighted her Marxist predisposition but also her belief in Maori superiority. If not superiority, then it gets worse because as an extremely well-paid politician with a law degree to boot, she will still find “victimhood”, to chastise Radio NZ for not giving her partner the revered slot on Morning Report because, you guessed it, she is Maori.

Would Julian Batchelor have been free to proceed with his one-man band, saving New Zealand tour if the hate speech law had been enacted? I doubt it.

David Seymour Tuesday initiated a debate in parliament around the Kiri Allan vacuum that has exposed a government with no wheels.

Moana Jackson said, “She has been a leader for Maori, she has been a leader for her community, and she is revered right across the spectrum… She will be back.”

Golriz Ghahraman, who was regularly vocal about improving Parliament’s environment, ended her impassioned speech on mental health to say it was “shameful” of Seymour to request the debate. “That’s not what New Zealand wants – that is what calls the competence of us as politicians into question.”

Rawiri Waititi believed the debate was “narrow-minded” and Allan was “only one casualty among a long line of people who have suffered from the misogyny of this Parliament”, saying, “This place is unsafe – more so for Maori, and more so again for wahine Maori.”

Replying to Jackson, I’d say, “I don’t want her back, and I don’t want you either.” Anyone that seeks to divide the country in any way doesn’t deserve our attention. These people are traitors, and it’s only because Labour received a majority and NZ First bombed in 2020, that the brakes have come off and they’re free to meddle in corrosive politics.

Ghahraman was vocal about improving Parliament’s environment, but did she stand up for Gaurav Sharma? I don’t know but I doubt it.

Kiri Allan has an enormous salary. She is a qualified lawyer, not only in New Zealand but wherever she chooses to practice. Kiri Allan was not a woman of the people. She was a latter-day Marie Antoinette with a bitter ideology to force-feed the people, rather than cake.
