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The inscription 2023 on a stone on the seashore. New Year 2023


Over the last few years, we have been locked down, locked out, oppressed, cajoled, bribed, extorted and subjected to propaganda, brainwashing and social exclusion. It’s not a stretch to say we were traumatised from being kicked and smashed figuratively (for those in business) and literally (for those brave souls on the parliament lawn).

As 2023 came around, one could be forgiven for feeling depressed. After denial, anger and bargaining, depression is the fourth stage of grief. The fifth is acceptance.

This was a year to take stock of some important issues, such as freedom, finding a voice and reassessing one’s ethics, morals and personal standards. Fallout from 2020-2022’s machinations of the global capital elites included the diminishing of personal, financial and social capital, mistrust of elected officials, mistrust of the state bureaucracy, mistrust of the medical profession and, in some cases, mistrust of one’s own neighbour.

In 2023, as the fallout was felt and realised by a larger and larger minority, our elected goons got out of town whilst they could. Cue Ardern heading to a ‘safe space’ at Harvard and Bloomfield to a university. Across the Antipodes, this was played out as Gunnar, Andrews, ‘Pluckachook’ (I cannot spell her name) and co similarly slithered out of office.

Whilst I’d say good riddance to these creeps, it does not solve the wider issue of paying for the last three years of incompetent overreach. So 2023 saw the chickens come home to roost. Businesses that were shuttered closed for good (just look at the rise in liquidations – more to come), dragging investors, many families, down. So if the last few years were manifested as the stages of grief, denial (2020), anger (2021) and bargaining (2022), 2023 is the year of depression. I feel we have yet to get to the acceptance phase, as that would mean forgiving these cretinous wannabe tyrants. Whilst they hide in their sinecured holes, as we deal with the year of depression, I want them brought out to face those they destroyed. So goodbye to 2023 – good riddance to the depression year – and bring on 2024: full of hope and acceptance, with a side dose of consequence for those who have tormented us since 2020.  
