Joe Bastardi
Joe Bastardi is a pioneer in extreme weather and long-range forecasting.
I do not know how to describe this except to say goodbye and good riddance to an administration whose utter disrespect for what this country is about can be summed up in one name: Helene.
I know what I am talking about. From September 8th, I was warning people the hurricane season was about to go wild as the rotation of the Madden Julian Oscillation, which stalled in the non-productive phases for the heart of the season, was on the move again as the cooling that started in the Northern Hemisphere allowed the kind of temperature pattern to develop across Asia to let it move. So you could see the pattern that produced Helene and Milton coming. Then it was a matter of honing in once we got closer, 10 days out from Helene saying it was going to be a major hit, and four days out saying it would cause floods of biblical proportions.
Rehashing the tweets, the Weatherbell posts, etc, is only pompous chest-beating on my part. But what is apparent is the Biden administration did not give a damn. YOU PRE-STAGE FOR EVENTS LIKE THIS!
You set up a command post in Asheville three days out if you are watching and hit the ground running. Same as the complete screw-up in Texas with their freeze. You have contingency plans ready to go. You go door to door in the flood-prone areas and don’t force people out, but, to make your point, ask for their names of next of kin because that gets people’s attention. That’s how you save lives.
But in the meantime, you mobilize as if it’s a war footing and have equipment flowing in BEFORE THE FACT. And after the fact you don’t go lay on a beach nor go out fundraising. Even Obama with Sandy understood that, but the people who are leaving office have devolved a step down from Obama as if that was even possible.
But now here comes part three. I showed in over 100 posts and tweets how this kind of hurricane season is STRONGLY correlated with early season eastern cold. It is not hocus pocus. The same kind of vertical velocity patterns that will produce hurricanes in hurricane season (it recently came around again and produced Rafael and Sara which thankfully stayed to the south of the US but caused big problems where they impacted), cause cold weather in the early hurricane season. It is remarkable to look at the similar hurricane seasons and then line them up with the period Thanksgiving to Christmas and see how cold they are. I will use December as an example. If you identified the pattern that caused this kind of hurricane season, here is what it forecasts for December.

As of a week ago, US models had no idea this was coming,
but the hurricane analogs did, as you see above, or at least said look out. But look what they have gone to now, right to the old-school analog idea I have been showing for over three months!

The first week of December.

It’s aimed into the east and right at the poor people in western North Carolina. And all those long-standing, old-school forecast techniques said to look out for this and to make haste before winter sets in this year. Their government has failed them miserably. These are arrogant, ignorant people who preach about existential threats, and yet when one actually shows up, they are nowhere to be found.
This can not be allowed to happen. The media was all over George Bush for Katrina, yet at least the day before he declared the area a disaster area. Think of what these people that have put us through the last four years did in Texas and now this. They made governors fight for declaring different counties disaster areas after the fact. It’s mind numbing.
I am not always right, but I forecast every day, so the sample size of my work is not a five-day-a-week job in one place: it is global, every day. Helene was shooting fish in the barrel as far as seeing it coming and also the implications of the cold early winter behind it. I can’t even imagine what would happen if this country got hit by hurricanes like we did in the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s. The lunacy of sticking wind turbines up off our coastlines where a storm coming from the south can simply drive ripped parts and an infinite amount of shattered small particles into the water and onto beaches is yet another mind-numbing plan.
As far as weather events go, these people couldn’t care less unless they can use it for their top-down control agenda.
So goodbye and good riddance to these people. We can’t stop things like this from happening (this was the Carolinas version of the 1938 hurricane in New England which killed over 600 and led to a monumental tree blowdown and severe floods), but we can make sure the preparation and response is what a great country should do for its people. I have great hopes for the Trump administration coming in. And I thank God, as far as weather, we are getting rid of people who I can’t help but think want people to be miserable to push their climate narrative.
This article was originally published by CFACT.