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Government’s Handling of Covid-19 Falls Marginally Short of Brilliant

The BFD.

While I’m a firm believer that the reporting of the Coronavirus is in many ways a bit of an over-reaction by the worldwide mainstream media, I could be persuaded to change my view if I or one of my loved ones who happens to be elderly ends up dying as a result of it finding its way here.

If you happen to be over 70, have a respiratory ailment of any kind or suffer from some kind of heart disease (all of which apply to many older New Zealanders), you’ll be right alongside me and absolutely delighted to hear that New Zealand’s first Coronavirus positive patient is “improving”.

“Coronavirus: Prime minister says patient with coronavirus ‘improving’.”

That’s the headline in Stuff, and although I’m pleased that person’s condition is improving, I’m less than pleased that the government has done absolutely nothing to prevent it getting here in the first place.

“Ardern said the patient’s condition was stable and continued to improve. The patient – in their 60s – is being treated in Auckland City Hospital in a negative pressure room to prevent spread of the disease. Three of their family members are also in self-isolation.”

I’m impressed that the COL is ensuring the passengers who shared the aircraft with the Coronavirus positive passenger are being “encouraged” to self isolate voluntarily for 14 days. Actually, change that to passengers who sat nearby that passenger because they’re evidently the only ones they’re contacting. Never mind that on long-distance flights like this one, passengers get up, walk around and go to the bathroom (gently caressing every single seat back on the journey and leaving their Covid-19 infected paw marks all over the plane).

“In regards to contact tracing the other passengers who were in the two rows behind, the row of, and the row in front of, where the passenger was sitting, Bloomfield (The Director General of Health) said the job was “progressing”.

Many of the 18 people were in Auckland, however some were in Nelson, and at least one was in Christchurch, Bloomfield said.

Not all 18 were New Zealanders. The ministry had asked those 18 people to enter supervised self-isolation for 14 days.”

Very encouraging.

“Ardern said she was constantly receiving advice from health officials on where restrictions could be needed and they were “constantly monitoring” the situation.

New Zealand had “incredibly robust” pandemic plans to track people who came into contact with coronavirus, she said. This case had been “text book”.

People were complying with self-isolation rules – and some were even remaining in isolation after 14 days, she said.”

Sounds remarkably like the new bail plans in some parts of the US where crims are being “bribed” with free basketball tickets to turn up in court for their hearings! No prizes for guessing how many of them turn up.

“New Zealand’s Government has held back from announcing any tougher border control policies.

Every passenger would receive information about who to contact if they felt unwell, Ardern said on Sunday.

Health officials would also test any passengers who arrived at the border showing symptoms.”

This all sounds so reassuring. Unfortunately, like many of us, I have family and friends in that “at risk” age group and I’m anything but reassured. It looks like a very weak-kneed response to me. I sincerely hope I will be proved completely wrong.

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