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Govt Masking Our Children’s Ability to Learn

Mask mandates have inflicted “nearly insurmountable” damage on a generation of children. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Here we go again with mask madness.

Screenshot supplied. The BFD.
“The Government is “strongly” recommending schools review and “enforce” a mask-wearing policy as COVID-19 cases rise and children prepare to return to classes after the holidays.”  

“Associate Education Minister Jan Tinetti has written to school boards “outlining the Government’s strong recommendation to review and enforce a mask-wearing policy as much as practicable”.

“It said both the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education “strongly recommend” all schools amend their policies for the first four weeks of the upcoming term 3 “to require mask wearing in all indoors for students year 4 and above, where it will not have a significant impact on teaching and learning”.

Official advice revealed: Govt’s message to schools – ‘review and enforce mask policy’ (

And in a let’s-state-the-bloody-obvious statement, the Education Ministry continued “masks may not be practicable while eating and drinking, playing musical instruments, playing indoor sports and PE or doing musical or drama performances.” (Emphasis added.)

Since when has it been acceptable to require children to defend adults?  Professor Michael Baker, our very own favourite epidemiologist, supports this.

“He said the virus transmits easily in schools among children.”

“They’re interacting very closely as we know from the number of respiratory infections they bring home to us, their parents,” Prof Baker said.”

We know that the risk to children of Covid is slight and comparable to a mild ’flu at worst and in many cases, they are asymptomatic, and yet our children are being asked to be “circuit-breakers” as Professor Baker has it, for the adult population.

“A year of mask-wearing will scar some of them psychologically—and maybe physically, too, according to a team of Italian professors of plastic surgery, who warn that the prolonged pressure from the elastic straps could leave young children with permanently protruding ears.

By hiding teachers’ lips and muffling their speech, mask-wearing makes it harder for young children to develop linguistic skills and prevents children with hearing impairments from lip reading.

Unable to rely on facial cues, teachers and students of all ages are more likely to misinterpret one other, a particularly acute problem for children on the autism spectrum.

How are children supposed to develop social skills when they can’t see one another’s faces, sit together, or play together?”

“Researchers from the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany […] have established an online registry for parents report on the side effects of mask-wearing. Among the nearly 18,000 parents who chose to respond (not a random sample, obviously), more than half reported that the masks were giving their children headaches and making it difficult for them to concentrate.

More than one-third cited other side effects: increased reluctance to go to school, unhappiness, malaise, impaired learning, drowsiness, and fatigue.

After considering those reports as well as testimony from other researchers, a court in Weimar, Germany, recently ruled in favour of a parent arguing that her children’s basic rights were being violated by the mandates for masks and social distancing at her children’s two schools. The court ordered the schools to end the mandates, declaring that they damaged the “mental, physical and spiritual well-being” of students while failing to offer “any discernible benefit for the children themselves or for third parties.”
“Masks can be breeding grounds for infections from bacteria, mold and fungi, which is why the Centers for Disease Control […] advises washing your hands any time you take off the mask, and then washing your hands again after you put it back on. Pretending that children (or adults, for that matter) are dutifully taking all these precautions is absurd, yet the CDC nonetheless recommends that everyone older than two should wear masks both indoors and outdoors.”  

Masking Children Is Unnecessary—and Harmful | City Journal (
Masking children is tantamount to child abuse.

In his book, titled Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good, Dr. Vernon Coleman explained the following:

“When the (flu/covid) hoax (was rolled out by US/Western dark forces in Dec. 2020,) medical and scientific experts worldwide said mask wearing was pointless — that wearing them would probably do more harm than good.”

“According to Coleman, “forcing children to wear masks (in school or elsewhere for protracted periods) is nearly as daft as hitting them over the head with a cricket bat.”

Enforcers of this policy “should be punished.”

“There will be a major epidemic of bacterial pneumonia among schoolchildren as a direct result of the stupid mask wearing.”

“Children will develop dementia in a few years’ time.”

“That’s not theory. The medical evidence is available.”

Coleman said he’s been warning about the dangers of mask-wearing “for decades”, adding:

“Any teacher, medical professional or others with decision-making power who insist on children wearing masks “should be locked up for child abuse.”    

Mask-Wearing Child Abuse – The Stephen Lendman Blog
“The guidance issued jointly by UNICEF and the World Health Organization: “Children aged 5 years and under should not be required to wear masks. This is based on the safety and overall interest of the child and the capacity to appropriately use a mask with minimal assistance.”

The groups also advise against masks for older children when physically active: “Children should not wear a mask when playing sports or doing physical activities, such as running, jumping or playing on the playground, so that it doesn’t compromise their breathing.”

For children aged six to 11, masks are recommended in classrooms only if the school is in a locality with “widespread transmission,” and then only after consulting with parents and weighing the potential impact on “learning and psychosocial development.”  

Masking Children Is Unnecessary—and Harmful | City Journal (

Masking Schoolchildren is Institutional Child Abuse

12 September 2021

Janet Menage

GP retired

“Since children are at less risk from coronavirus than influenza (1) and pose no risk to others (2), covering their faces not only risks damage to the developing brain from hypoxia (3), inhibits excretion of carbon dioxide leading to respiratory acidosis (4), forces them to inhale accumulated bacteria and fungi (5), and promotes headaches, dermatitis (6), and tooth decay (7), but it clearly worsens rather than protects their state of health (8).”

“Not only is physical health harmed but also the psychological and emotional development of the child is inevitably affected by inhibiting normal communication via speech and facial expression (9), risking mental health problems and underdeveloped social skills, including empathy” (10).

Those individuals who mandate or enforce such irrational and harmful policies are guilty of nothing less than Institutional Child Abuse. Anyone in a position of responsibility is legally obliged to prevent harm to those in their care and failure to do so represents a dereliction of duty” (11).

“So, when is the Medical Profession going to speak out and take action to prevent harm to child patients?”

“In the absence of medical ethics, let us hope that parents can find the courage to protect their offspring from those who continue to undermine the younger generation by means of reckless and unjustifiable policies.  Failure to do so renders the future a very bleak place indeed.”


Competing interests: No competing interests

Enforced mask-wearing by children in school is institutionalised child abuse and should not be implemented by this reckless Government.
