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The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
Many vaccinated people are concerned about the prospect of mixing with unvaccinated people.
Image credit The BFD Beware the un vaxxed they eat babies…
[…] despite vaccination providing excellent protection against severe disease, a small proportion of vaccinated people still require ICU care. Therefore, some vaccinated people may have a strong preference to mix primarily with other vaccinated people.

[…] Recent reports from the Victorian Department of Health find that unvaccinated people are 10 times more likely to contract Covid than vaccinated people.

We also know that vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the disease even if they become infected.

[…] If I were spending time with an unvaccinated person, then there’s some probability they’re infected and will infect me. However, if they were vaccinated, they’re 10 times less likely to be infected and half as likely to infect me, following the numbers above.

Hence, we arrive at a 20-fold reduction in risk when hanging out with a vaccinated person compared to someone who’s not vaccinated.

[…] despite the high efficacy of Covid vaccines, there are still reasons a vaccinated person would prefer to mix with vaccinated people, and avoid mixing with unvaccinated people.
Headline from Stuff.

Is it just me or is Stuff actively trying to drive a wedge between people?

Are they or aren’t they attempting to scapegoat unvaccinated people?

Are they or aren’t they claiming on the one hand that the vaccine is very effective and protects you but that it is as good as useless if you are around people who haven’t taken it?

Read the article in full here. Comment on it on The BFD.
