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Govt Threatens Christians with Huge Penalties

woman wearing white shirt
Photo by Igor Rodrigues. The BFD


The incumbent Premier of Victoria, Australia, Daniel Andrews wants a law that will make it hard for religious organisations to maintain their religious identity and culture.

A Victoria government plan to crack down on Churches using prayer to change LGBI people has been branded as the biggest threat to religious freedom in years, placing Premier Daniel Andrews on a collision course with the nation’s faith groups…

Farrah Tomazin – The Age Australia
Most Mainstream Christian Churches reject coercive practices or activities that do harm to LGBT people… But the bill goes well and truly beyond that.

Peter Comensoli, Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne
To explicitly mention prayer in Victorian legislation is astonishing.

Murray Campbell – Baptist Pastor
The biggest threat to our democratic freedoms in Australia’s entire legislative history for, seeking to outlaw parental, therapeutic or religious discussions on issues of sexuality and gender is the biggest threat to our democratic freedoms.    

Former deputy Prime Minister John Anderson
Significantly, the Victorian legislation makes it illegal for a parent to pray for their child, even if they had requested them to do so. As such, Dr Barns believes it is right for Christians to defy the governing authority.

Dr Peter Barns, Moderator General Presbyterian Church of Australia

Martyn Iles is a lawyer, political activist and the managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL). He previously held the office of the Managing Director of the Human Rights Law Alliance. The ACL, has swung into action as they see this law as an attack on freedom of religion in Australia.

2021 has barely begun, and already the battle for your religious freedom has hit an alarming new level of urgency. With Victoria passing the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020, those who want to suppress God’s truth and people of faith have revealed their true agenda:

They hate Christians, and they want to silence us. Let me tell you why this bill is such a sinister attack against you …

It could put people like you and me in jail. It will certainly see criminal action against Christian parents. It could even outlaw the teaching of the Bible. The bill could unleash broad powers to locate, investigate, re-educate, censure, and punish anyone who holds to and teaches Christian convictions on sexual orientation and gender identity.  

Shockingly, penalties could be up to 10 years’ imprisonment and a $200,000 fine. Complaints can be reported by anyone, even those who are not affected, and can be made anonymously – even against people like you in other states.  

Anti-religious activists will be able to harass and silence churches, Christian schools, counsellors, doctors, parents, and pastors they don’t agree with. It’s one of the most dangerous and draconian bills ever seen in Australia.  

It could land anyone in jail for failing to toe the line on LGBTQ issues and, more disturbingly, for undertaking religious practices such as prayer.

Martyn Iles
ACL Managing Director


Ardern and Andrews are career politicians and have never held a proper job in their adult lives. They have more commonality than just their Marxist politics. Both reject their family’s religious beliefs. This law proposed by Andrews’s Labor Government goes to war against his Catholic upbringing.

Andrews and his party have overlooked history, in particular Christian history. Christians over the centuries will stand up for their beliefs and some have ended up fined, imprisoned, or even martyred.

Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world, according to The Centre for Study of Global Christianity.

Christians should not coerce people, but neither, it seems, will they be silenced in Australia.

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