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Bruce Pascoe, the imaginary Aborigine. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There’s a certain irony in elites finger-wagging we hoi polloi about “disinformation”.

After all, they’re the ones telling us that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”. Or funding the demented Kate Hannah prattling that healthy food and little blond girls are “right-wing extremism” and rewarding a creepy tranny cry-bully who whines that “trans women” are under threat, when in fact statistics show they’re more likely to be a threat. Who champion a far-left nutcase who fundraises for terrorists shrieking that everyone else is an “extremist”. Who use our taxes to prop up Australia’s taxpayer-funded left-wing propaganda outfit public broadcaster while it peddles any number of demonstrable lies, from “RAN sailors tortured people smugglers” to “Russian collusion”.

And let’s not even start with the chattering classes’ favourite taxpayer-underwritten recreational activity, those dire circus of leftist group-think, the excruciating “writer’s festivals”.

Arguably the greatest fraud in Australian literary history will star at the Melbourne Writers Festival, proving organisers want fantasy over reality […]

The Melbourne Writers Festival starts on Thursday – a towering example of the unchallenged power today of lies.

The Australian literary Establishment has long proven itself to be a never-ending sucker for all manner of frauds and hoaxes, from Ern Malley to Helen Demidenko. They were an easy sucker for a shyster like Bruce Pascoe.

That’s because Professor Bruce Pascoe, arguably the greatest fraud in Australian literary history, flies into Melbourne this week to star at this taxpayer-funded festival and prove our cultural elite really does prefer fakes to facts.

It would all be bad enough, if it weren’t that Pascoe has been thoroughly demolished as a lying chancer.

Yet now these hypocrites invite Pascoe to talk as a “Yuin, Bunurong and Tasmanian writer” when he’s a white who identified as Aboriginal only after a Canberra Times reviewer said his first novel would have been better had he been one.

Genealogists have shown that every branch of Pascoe’s family traces back to England. Both the Bunurong and Tasmanian Aboriginal groups have rejected his claims to their ancestry. That leaves the Yuin as the sole group still as gullible as the Melbourne Writer’s Festival.

There can be no one in the festival management who does not know Pascoe’s claim to be Aboriginal is shonky. An hour of googling would confirm that two organisations representing tribes to which he now claims to belong have called him a fraud.

They’d also learn that his bestseller Dark Emu – claiming Aborigines were originally farmers living in towns of 1000 people – is bunkum.

The question is: Why, when the truth is so obvious, do our guardians of public debate prefer Pascoe’s falsehoods? This is the true significance of Pascoe.

They’re not just stupid and/or gullible: they’re also the world’s biggest hypocrites.

The Melbourne Writers Festival claimed just last year to also believe facts were sacred, asking a panel to discuss “how Australia can prevent the proliferation of fake news and disinformation to safeguard public and political discourse”.

Herald Sun

Okay, maybe not the biggest hypocrites.

There’s still the Disinformation Project, after all.


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