Sir Bob Jones
Grant Dalton is a true patriot. He’s under attack for taking the next Americas Cup offshore.
I accept there are more boring so-called sporting spectacles, such as people in pajamas tugging at one anothers garments, otherwise known as judo, and certainly rifle-shooting, but by God it’s a close-run thing.
That the taxpayer forks out for this screaming tedium is outrageous. There’s no economic or entertainment reason to justify it. The proposition that it provides a tourism boost is a blatant lie. The rest of the world couldn’t give a damn.
If New Zealand wasn’t a signatory to a United Nations agreement prohibiting cruel and unusual punishments, then I would support another run here.
We could end criminal recidivism by strapping our prisons’ inmates to chairs, wired up to receive 100 volts if they close their eyes, and make them watch this rubbish. Those who survived the ordeal would certainly never sin again, terrorised at the prospect of a repeat session.
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