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Jacinda Ardern’s Government is really hitting home runs at the moment. This is especially true in two key areas that the Prime Minister herself declared were vitally important to the health and well being of the country: child poverty and climate change.

Jacinda Ardern told us all, while we were enjoying the warm embrace of one of her group hugs, that the reason she entered politics was so that she could reduce child poverty. She even made herself the Minister of Child Poverty Reduction.

She’s having great success:

An additional 18,000 children were likely pushed into poverty in the 12 months to March 2021, even without taking rising housing costs into account, the report says.

“This increase in child poverty of around 10 percent comes at a time when property owners have seen their wealth rise at an accelerated rate,” McAllister says.

“Loss of income related to job loss was probably inevitable for many families; but loss of income to the point of inadequacy – or further inadequacy – was due to political decision-making.

“The Government avoided one massive health and economic crisis but it enabled another one – that of poverty, homelessness and inequality – to grow rapidly.


Perhaps the Prime Minister might like to have a wee chat with the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction to try to ascertain why her portfolio is going backwards, not forwards.

Her other big platform and another rationale for her entry into politics was to tackle climate change. She once famously declared that climate change was her generation’s nuclear free moment. Which is ironic because being nuclear powered would be saving her government from beclowning itself over the vast increase in imported coal caused by her policies:

New Zealand is likely to import more coal this year than it has in any other year, in the midst of a government-declared climate emergency.

Last year the country’s main coal users imported more than they had in 14 years, and this year government officials expect even more to come in. Most of this coal is burned to power our homes and businesses.

The government expects an additional 150,000 tonnes of coal will arrive here, a 14 percent increase on last year’s total which was already over 1 million tonnes.


Quite apart from the embarrassment of declaring a climate emergency then importing millions of tonnes of coal to power the electric vehicle fleet Jacinda Ardern wants us all to drive, there is the economic vandalism and sabotage being perpetrated on the nation.

While the Prime Minister makes these grandiose announcements in order to virtue signal, the stark reality is that New Zealand sits on vast reserves of coal that we could be using for our own economy, but instead we are importing coal from countries with appalling human rights and worker safety records. All to satisfy a demand for electricity that is only going to grow with the government’s bribe to vehicle purchasers to buy electric vehicles.

The insanity of effectively forcing the population into allegedly cleaner vehicles, only to have those vehicles ultimately powered by dirty coal, says more about the fools in power than the hair-shirt brigade that pushes these flights of fancy.

Jacinda Ardern is becoming the Borat Sagdiyev of New Zealand politics, declaring great success in dealing with child poverty and climate change.

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