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The green future that awaits us. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I recently wrote, Sri Lanka is facing economic collapse and even famine, solely as a consequence of its government’s decision to mandate organic farming across the country. Consider it a cautionary tale and get ready to tighten your belts: the same may yet happen here.

The world is facing a critical shortage of industrial fertiliser, which will in turn lead to global food shortages.

The Biden administration and the EU are blaming the Ukraine war, but that’s only part of the story. If the West continues to pursue the policies pushed by the climate lobby, these shortages will become permanent.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki repeatedly alluded to challenges obtaining fertilizer in recent press briefings. So did President Joe Biden himself in a joint statement with EU President Ursula von der Leyen.

“We are deeply concerned by how Putin’s war in Ukraine has caused major disruptions to international food and agriculture supply chains, and the threat it poses to global food security. We recognize that many countries around the world have relied on imported food staples and fertilizer inputs from Ukraine and Russia, with Putin’s aggression disrupting that trade,” the leaders stated.

This is self-serving bullshit.

It’s true, of course, that the Ukraine war — and tit-for-tat sanctions — are not helping. But they’re only making an already existing problem much worse.

An analysis from the Peterson Institute of International Economics shows that fertilizer prices have rapidly climbed since mid-2021, spiking first in late 2021 and again around the time of the invasion.

Industry observers have pointed out that commodity prices are not solely affected by Vladimir Putin.

Industrial fertilisers use the Haber-Bosch process to turn natural gas into ammonia, to make nitrogen fertilisers. These fertilisers are the backbone of global agriculture, feeding half the planet.

The pre-war rise in fertiliser prices was caused by the climate policies of Western elites. So-called environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) rules pushed by mega-rich “stakeholder capitalists”, such as union pension funds and woke corporations, are forcing producers to abandon fossil fuels — and thus, nitrogen fertilisers.

“Green energy” policies only deepen the shortage. As coal-fired electricity disappears, and “renewables” continually fail to meet demand, more and more natural gas is diverted to keeping the lights on and the heaters running.

The green nutbars witter about “natural solutions” like manure, but even our politicians can’t supply enough bullshit to make up for the shortfall in fertiliser. But Klaus Schwab’s WEF has gone one further:

Bond villain Klaus wants us to eat shit.
WEF has also pushed the use of “biosolids”—in other words sewage sludge—as fertilizer.

Urine, it notes, “makes an excellent agricultural fertilizer.”

The Epoch Times

Well, we’ll have to use our own shit if the WEF and its cronies get their way on another policy: eliminating beef and lamb production.

So, there’s your glorious green future in the Great Reset: eat your cold lentils in the dark and, when you go to the toilet, make sure to collect every drop and every turd. Tomorrow’s dinner depends on it.

Anyone feeling hungry?
