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Green-Left Celebrate the Looming Depression

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

As some satirists in the US wagged, Bernie Sanders dropped out of the presidential race because, with millions of Americans confined to their homes and dependent on government cheques to survive, and the economy in ruins, his goal of socialism had been accomplished.

As always, satire holds up a mirror to reality. With uncanny accuracy, in this case: another prominent American socialist is indeed celebrating the devastation wreaked by the Chinese virus.

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) cheered the news that oil futures plunged below zero on Monday as demand due to the coronavirus pandemic continued to plummet.

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted: “You absolutely love to see it.”

Keep in mind exactly what AOC “absolutely loves” to see: this is the first time in history that oil prices have plunged below zero. The demand for oil has plummeted so much that there is simply nowhere for producers to store it.

That might sound great to an anti-fossil-fuel zealot, but consider what it means: global industry is stopping. Factories are shutting down. Planes and trucks are winding down transportation of their goods. That is translating to millions of people out of work – the very “workers” champagne socialists pretend to champion. In the US, some sixteen million people have registered for unemployment benefits. Some poorer countries, like Pakistan and India, are openly worrying about running out of food.

The world is becoming Venezuela.

There was immediate backlash online as critics said that Ocasio-Cortez was “cheering” American job losses due to the pandemic.

Political commentator Stephen Miller[…said] “You only need thousands of people dead and millions of people unemployed to enact your vision, which is basically what we’ve been saying all along.”

Another political commentator from the Heritage Foundation wrote: “Member of Congress actively cheering massive job losses and economic misery for thousands of her fellow citizens:”

AOC quickly deleted the tweet, but otherwise refused to back down or apologise. In fact, she doubled down on her insistence that the Chinese virus was a golden opportunity for her “Green New Deal”.

As Stephen Miller says, green-left vultures are actively cheering a global pandemic.

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