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Green Vultures Swoop Pt. 2 – Scamming for Money

Forget bushfire victims, shameless green activists want your money. The BFD.

As already reported in The BFD, the political jackals of the green-left are pouncing on Australia’s bushfire crisis before the ashes are even cool. First, there was Tim Flannery’s climate muppet show, the “Emergency Leaders for Climate Action”. There being no show without Punch, GetUp have quickly got in on the act, too, touting its own activists as “Bushfire Survivors for ­Climate Action”.

But nothing else draws green scavengers like the scent of money.

While many around the nation mourn lives lost in bushfires still raging, others have sought to profit from the tragedy.

Enter GetUp.

The eco-activists have used the bushfires to ask for $12 donations to fight the “cashed-up mining lobby” they blame for the fires.

Many people, from pop stars to businessmen to kids washing cars have shown extraordinary generosity in raising funds for bushfire victims. Not GetUp. They’re not asking for money for bushfire victims.

These disgusting jackals are putting their hands out for themselves only.

Families have lost everything. Loved ones, homes, communities.

Some have broken down in tears after escaping with just the shirts off their back.

But rather than asking for donations to help these people, GetUp wants you to finance its propaganda outfit which is short on cash after being banned from living off foreign donations.

On Saturday, a few hours after the woman found in Wytaliba died, GetUp national director Paul Oosting wrote this email.

“As bushfires rage across the east coast, people are taking climate action in unprecedented numbers – protesting the inaction of our government and climate wrecking corporations,” he said.

“But with Morrison now actively working with the cashed-up mining lobby – now, more than ever, we need to stand united.

“Can you chip in $12 to a fighting fund to defeat Scott Morrison’s authoritarian climate crackdown?”

The timing of such a request is sickening.

It’s not just GetUp, either.

The Wilderness Society are also touting for donations, using the bushfires as a stump for their shameless opportunism.

For the last several weeks, Australia has been on fire. Beyond the devastating human cost, these fires are game-changing for Australia’s iconic nature […]Will you help to reach our end of the year fundraising goal of $200,000?

These people really have no shame at all.

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