As I’ve written several times, our collective approach to the Chinese virus might be called the “Moloch Option”: sacrificing the health, wellbeing and, in the form of increased suicides, the very lives of the young, in order to save the elderly most at risk from the Wuhan plague.
The misanthropic zealots of climate alarmism, on the other hand, take the opposite tack. Asserting that the pampered lives of phone-toting, driving-everywhere, air-conditioned Western teenagers must be maintained at all costs, the Thunberg Jugend are more than happy to toss the elderly on the scrapheap. Like a Stone Age tribe dumping their past-the-use-by date seniors on a cold hillside for the wolves to feast on, the Krazy Klimate Kult are sentencing thousands of elderly to freeze to death every winter.
3,000 elderly Britons are consigned to their untimely deaths every single winter, sacrificial offerings to the new eco-extremist religiosity that has subverted the common sense and decent instincts of one of the oldest and most revered cultures on Earth.
Senicide has long been thought to be the province of some Eskimo tribes – and even then, only as an occasional extremity driven by necessity. Eco-senicide is becoming the new normal in “green” Britain.
According to studies carried out by the National Energy Action in the UK and E3G in Brussels, Britain has a “cold home public health crisis.” The aged in Britain, facing energy bills they struggle to pay, simply wrap up and make do in frigid domiciles.
And thus three thousand Britons every year pay the ultimate price for the enforced energy poverty foisted on them by their leaders, succumbing to otherwise “needless deaths.” Those elderly victims are perishing from the exacerbation of health issues, having been constrained to live in ice-boxes — with cheap and abundant natural gas having been withheld from the infirm in order to check the anti-fracking political box to which all dithering British politicians must adhere.
It’s not as if this isn’t a well-known horror. Britain’s own energy regulator, with all the bland callousness of a card-punching Nazi official, has noted the prevalence and dire consequences of government-mandated “energy poverty” on British OAPs.
Such a scandalous state of affair hasn’t caused British politicians to blush. To the contrary, just last December they responded to the yearly deaths of thousands of their own grandparents owing to fuel poverty by — astoundingly — acting to make natural gas even more scarce and more expensive by banning the last fracking well operation in the UK just north of Liverpool.
Hey, they’ve got a planet to save, Boomer.
Ignoring the real needs of people, not only in Britain but across the world, is a hallmark of an ecological radicalism that is convinced it knows what’s best for everyone, and is determined to enforce the infallible opinions of the environmental elitists on everything upon everyone[…]
Lofty eco-crusaders, having ignored British elderly freezing to death and the ongoing plague of malaria across much of the world, have been busy elsewhere though. Demonizing the natural gas industry, to point to just one of their achievements, does require time, energy, focus and money. Again, though, the people paying the cost are the ones dying in their millions so that actors in Hollywood and think-tank intellectuals in Washington and New York can be seen to be making a point[…]
Yet, lecturing activists giving out with imperious directives — even as death tolls soar from civilization being harangued into towing their line — are certain of their incontrovertible opinions. Indeed, they’ve never yet admitted to being wrong, in spite of the fact that they’ve hardly been right about anything so far.
How dare you? We might well ask.
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