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Beauty may be skin deep, but Green ugliness goes all the way through. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

You know, there was a time when I might have voted for the Greens. Then I grew up. (Which explains the Greens’ obsession with lowering the voting age: exploit the young and ignorant while they can. Until then, they’ll just exploit the adult and ignorant.)

But even after I walked away from bien pensant leftism, for a long time I comforted myself that the Greens were just crazy.

More and more, though, I’m realising that they’re not crazy: they’re evil.

Not evil in the “sadistically torture and kill” sense, but in the “stamp the cards that send them off to the camps” sense. The Greens are so rigidly conformist to ideology that they’ll blindly enable blatant evil.

Evil like grooming children with creepy, sexualised ideologies, exposing them to relentlessly sexualised material, and drugging and mutilating them.

A teacher turned Greens senator has blasted Pauline Hanson‘s push to ban transgender issues from being taught in schools […]

Senator Hanson’s grievances with the education system included ‘Marxism’, critical race theory and ‘climate change prophecies of doom’ being taught along with ‘gender fluidity’.

Her bill demanded Education Department bureaucrats draw up a ‘balanced’ curriculum and that schools only get government funding if their states passed laws banning ‘indoctrination’.

Note how they put Marxism in scare quotes, as if it’s purely imaginary. In fact, ideologies like transgenderism and critical race theory are explicitly post-Marxist lunacies.

And there’s no Marxist lunacy that the Greens won’t stridently defend. Remember, this is the party whose leader praised teaching 12 year old girls how to send sexy selfies. Evil.

Rookie senator Penny Allman-Payne, who was a high school teacher for almost 30 years including teaching sex ed, said […] school curriculum was based in truth and science and teachers delivered it.

The idea that a person can change their sex at will is not “science”.

Then comes this splendid diatribe of screeching-at-the-mirror:

‘We don’t cherry-pick the bits of science that we agree with or disagree with, we don’t cherry-pick the bits of history that we like and are hard to face.’

That’s all you do — at least as far as history goes. When it comes to science, you don’t even cherry-pick: you completely ignore science altogether.

‘I invite you to come into a school and sit in front of a student who has made several attempts on their life because they have been subject to hate and transphobia.’

No — I challenge you to produce a single student “who has made several attempts on their life because they have been subject to hate and transphobia”. As the “Trans Day of Remembrance” committee were forced to admit, they couldn’t produce a single person who had been murdered because they were trans.

On the contrary, we can easily cite dozens of “trans” murderers and rapists, but I digress…

But Allman-Payne’s lies didn’t stop there.

Senator Allman-Payne warned that allowing politicians to overpower educators led to some parts of the US banning racism and sexuality being taught in schools and even books being burned.

As the saying goes, “when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it [and] keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous”. Banning material based on Critical Race Theory is not “banning racism being taught”. In fact, it’s quite the opposite — CRT being a deeply racist ideology. Similarly, banning Queer Theory grooming is not “banning sexuality”. It’s banning sexualisation.

Senator Hanson then claimed schools were ‘destroying our children’s little minds’ and compared being taught transgender issues to being groomed by a paedophile.

‘We are opposed to paedophiles grooming children for what they want to do to our children. Why is this any different? Why is this not grooming our children at a very young age?’ she said […]

Senator Hanson finished by telling parents to ‘grow up’ and take responsibility for what their children were taught.

‘And, if you don’t like what they’re being taught, then go and visit the schools and the teachers and the principals and have your say,’ she said.

Daily Mail

Which, I suspect, is exactly what the Groomers and their Green allies are afraid of: getting caught.


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