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Greens Laugh at the Vaccine Injured

When Gerard Rennick has had enough of your bullshit. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The Greens, as I have often said, are a toxic party full of toxic people. They’ve been doing little, lately, to disabuse me of that notion.

Of course, when the party’s CV of scandals — mostly covered up as assiduously as possible, the Greens, despite their pious rhetoric, being one of the most secretive political parties in Australian history — includes bullying the elderly, rooting bikies, sexual harassment, theft, drug abuse, promoting bestiality, and even alleged rape, then there doesn’t seem much left in the barrel for them to scrape.

But never underestimate the Greens.

Last week, it was their turn to hoot and mock the vaccine injured.

During a debate on vaccine mandates, which Liberal senator Alex Antic described as “one of the greatest scandals in Australian history — certainly in Australian medical history”, One Nation senator Gerard Rennick outlined the list of official lies about Covid vaccines and the plight of the vaccine injured.

The Australian health department, of course, stopped counting around September sometime because, I think, it was getting too embarrassing to admit that, despite over 20 million people having been vaccinated, over half the country had caught COVID. Whatever happened to protecting you?

[…] I asked Professor Brendan Murphy, who was the chief health officer at the time, whether or not he’d actually read the non-clinical report into the Pfizer vaccine. Guess what? He hadn’t read it. Despite that, he had been saying for a couple of days prior to that that the spike protein wasn’t in the blood. Had he read the report, he would have known that they never even tested the spike protein.

And they would have also known that, when they did the animal trials, that the report said there was no difference in lung inflammation between the placebo group and the vaccinated group after nine days. There was not one skerrick of evidence that showed that that vaccine was effective. But did anyone in this chamber right here, right now, actually read that report? I bet not, but you all went out there and said it was safe and effective, when you didn’t have a clue what you were talking about. Shame on you.

At this point, the Greens’ Sarah Hanson-Young began interjecting. “Sarah Sea Patrol”, so named because she mistook a TV drama for reality television, is not exactly known for her grip on hard facts. For instance, thinking that Australia Day commemorated Captain Cook landing at Botany Bay. In an infamous interview, her own staffers had to frantically text her on-air, correcting her on her own policies.

Then Rennick turned his attention to the plight of the almost-140,000 Covid vaccine injured in Australia.

Then, of course, we’ve got the vaccine injury scheme, which is just a joke. Today, and last night, and day after day for the last 15 months, I get contacted by people who have had their lives destroyed by this vaccine—a vaccine that the government said was safe and effective […]

There are people out there who are not only injured; they have lost their jobs, and they cannot get medical support to help them. There are husbands and wives who had to quit their jobs to stay home and look after those people who are injured and are in an incredible amount of pain.

At this point, Hanson-Young interjected again, hooting derision at the vaccine injured. As Rennick rightly responded:

“The fact that you’re interjecting, Senator Hanson-Young, just goes to show the type of person you are. How dare you come into this chamber and start mocking the vaccine injured!”

At this point, the Greens pulled their old trick of getting on their high horses. The Greens called a point of order for “reflecting on another senator”: apparently they have no problem with one of their own making “adverse inferences” on the vaccine injured — an issue they dubbed “tedious” and “rubbish” — but they’re very upset that anyone dares call them out on it.

As Rennick responded:

The fact is that the Greens Party can sit in that corner over there and mock and laugh at the vaccine injured. These people aren’t antivaxxers. They believed what the government told them, as I did when I first came to this place. But I can tell you what: there’s nothing but a cesspit of lies in this place.


Speaking of a cesspit of lies, the Greens have been caught out — again! — speaking with forked tongues on another issue.

The Greens have been campaigning on “funding reform” while telling everyone who can’t avoid them that they don’t take money from big corporations or billionaires. Despite taking some of the biggest donations in Australian history from both.

Sky News host Peta Credlin says it’s “never smart to get on your moral high horse” as the Greens have found out today.

Ms Credlin’s remarks come after the Greens Party accepted a donation from a pastoral company backed by one of South Africa’s richest men despite claiming they don’t take money from big corporations or billionaires […]

Senator Hanson-Young said she was unaware of the donations.

Sky News

To be fair, we suspect that what Sarah Hanson-Young is unaware of would fill libraries.
