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Sir Bob Jones

Goldman Sachs has ordered its 6000 UK workforce to return to their offices full-time and cease exploiting the work from home two days a week outdated policy. Outdated as unlike New Zealand, anyone in Britain not vaccinated, is because they chose not to be, vaccinations being readily available.

By way of example, a couple of months back, one of my daughters shot over to stay in my Glasgow home. The next morning she joyously bowled down that hugely entertaining city’s main pedestrian street and encountered an open vaccination centre.

Spotting her a nurse asked if she wanted to be vaccinated. She said she had been double vaccinated three months ago in Sydney. “Roll your sleeve up”, the nurse said and gave her a booster, all this inside a minute.

Compare that with the palaver here; the blatant lies about first in the queue, the “team of 5 million” mush (the country has never been more divided in my experience, thanks to the relentless government inspired maori wonderfulness rot and favouritism) the infantile “Be Kind” messages and hopeless all round incompetence. We need grown-ups in charge and an end to daily Prime Ministerial television show-ponyism. The government should order the capital’s public service slackers back to work. I exclude the specialist state agencies many of which are over-burdened through staff shortages.

I know four people who are planning shifts to Europe to live in countries run by grown-ups with a balanced view on covid, until such time as sanity is restored here.

The covid death toll in America and Britain is almost totally confined to half-wits who refuse to be vaccinated, despite their ready availability. That’s simply applied Darwinism and a good thing. But otherwise normal life goes on without creating hermit existences. We will pay a heavy economic price for the current administrative fear-mongering and ineptitude in the years ahead.

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