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Grubby Greens Pile Insults on Firefighter Heroes

The Greens really are a party of opportunistic grubs.

As if they hadn’t scraped the bottom of their slimy barrel of phony sanctimony already when they fell over themselves to exploit the terrible bushfires in Queensland and NSW, the Greens had to sink one step lower into the ooze. Now, they’ve heaped insult on the heads of the nation’s firefighters by branding them as wife-bashers.

A domestic violence advocate has been blasted over claims firefighters trying to bring Australia’s bushfire crisis under control will return home to beat their partners.

Greens Senator Larissa Waters held a press conference on Wednesday where domestic violence advocate Sherele Moody made the extraordinary claim.

Stand aside, Adam Bandt – you are no longer the slimiest worm in the Greens. Bandt, who has never bothered to venture from the safety of his million-dollar inner-city investment properties to even lift a finger to help during a bushfire, nonetheless felt free to use the bushfire emergency as a cheap ideological soapbox. But, by endorsing this vile, misandrist insult, Waters has proved herself Bandt’s equal and worse in sleazy political opportunism.

‘After a cataclysmic event like this, domestic violence peaks,’ Ms Moody said on Wednesday afternoon as Senator Waters watched on.

‘Women become extremely unsafe when, generally, the men return home from the fires and subject them to domestic violence.’

Ms Moody, the head of the Red Heart Campaign against domestic violence, took to Facebook to double down on her claims.

‘What happens when domestic violence perpetrators finish their work on the frontline of a major crisis? They abuse women in their lives – harder than they ever have,’ she wrote.

Australians have endured a lot of bullshit from the Greens, but insulting rural firefighters, who are overwhelmingly volunteers, is a step too low.

‘Such a shocking, shocking statement to make … You have just insulted every firefighter in Australia, and that I could never forgive or forget, just unbelievable,’ one woman wrote on Facebook.

‘This is how radical greens party are and what they stand for, they have no shame insulting Australian heroes (firefighters) saving homes in NSW in last couple days and in QLD in coming days,’ another said.

‘I’m totally disgusted by this, the bulk of firefighters regardless of being paid or volunteer do so to serve their community which requires a very special mindset of care which is not comparable with this disturbing statement,’ another wrote.

Like a child playing with matches, the Greens are now trying to very quickly run away from the fire they’ve lit.

A statement from Senator Waters said the party ‘does not support the statement made today by Sherele Moody that firefighters are responsible for an increase in domestic violence during times of disaster’.

So why did Waters call a press conference to give Moody a platform? Why did she stand by, nodding sagely, as Moody spewed her bilious nonsense? Waters stands condemned by her silence.

Even the researcher whose work this gibbering feminist loon claims to be quoting is repudiating the insult.

But Dr Parkinson told Seven News that although she did find an increase in family violence in fire-affected communities, she did not say it was about firefighters.

I was a volunteer rural firefighter myself for many years. The men and women of rural brigades are proud of the sacrifices they make to protect their families and communities. This disgusting slur is an insult to them all.
