A drum roll, please.
The answer to the question “Who is the biggest source of greenhouse gases?” is, and colour me surprised, … China! Wow, who would have thought, right? The obviously far-right and fake news site “Climate Change Dispatch” explains.
Take, for instance, a new report that shows greenhouse gas emissions are not an American or Western problem. They are primarily a Chinese problem.
A study from Sun Yat-sen University in China found that more than half of the world’s urban greenhouse gas emissions are generated in only 25 big cities, and 23 of them are located in China.
[…]The paper’s findings remind us of the great plastic scare that’s “inspired” lawmakers to outlaw single-use plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic utensils, and other modern products, in a mass pretense of doing something when in reality they’re doing nothing but inconveniencing people.
It’s more than just an inconvenience. Some people, for instance, have to use plastic straws (and don’t get me started on paper straws as an “alternative”).
The data shows 90% of ocean plastic pours into the sea from “the top 10 rivers with the highest loads” of plastic debris, according to the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany.
None are in the U.S., which contributes only about 1% percent of all plastic debris found at sea. Eight of them though are in Asia, while two are in Africa.
[…]Late last year, the Canadian Energy Centre, affiliated with the Alberta government, reported that as of 2020, 350 coal-fired power plants were under construction worldwide.
Seven were in South Korea, another 13 were in Japan. But China and India were building 184 and 52 plants, respectively.
And add to that we’re now importing import coal at record amounts.
[…]Yet the U.S. and the developed nations of the West, which have zero cities listed among the top 25 greenhouse gas emitters – New York City is 26th – and only eight in the top 50, are the focus of climate activists.
I wonder why that is? Here’s your answer.
Environmental zealots, more than a few of them elected and appointed officials, are constantly bullying Washington over international emissions agreements that will hurt the U.S. economy; telling Americans they have to live more primitively because they wreck the planet a little every time they consume conventional energy; and that they must make sacrifices for the health of Gaia.
[…]That China is rarely a target of the fanatics tells us a lot: The climate scare is more about pulling down capitalism, weakening the U.S. and other developed nations, cranking out international transfers of wealth, and advancing socialism than it is about saving the world.
It’s no coincidence that the countries that are constantly mugged by the alarmists are those whose economic systems are the furthest removed from socialism on the political spectrum.
There’s no reason for them to denounce China because it’s already labouring under the system they want to inflict on the world.
In other words, climate activists have weaponised so-called man-made global warming climate change and are using it to try and destroy Western economies. China is at war with the West which makes climate activists China’s useful idiots.
Our own PM said that climate change is her “nuclear moment”. I’m still waiting for her to call out China.