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Hamas fighters chumming around in the UNRWA compound. The BFD.

As was obvious all along, the Albanese government and Helen Clark are wrong: Winston Peters is right. There should be no funding the UNRWA. Even if the organisation hadn’t already been thoroughly discredited, there’s no denying now that it’s little more than a Hamas front.

Israeli fighter jets struck a Hamas command center embedded in a school in Gaza run by the UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Tuesday.

“The strike was carefully planned and carried out using precise munitions while avoiding harming civilians as much as possible,” the military said in a statement, adding that the operation came about due to “accurate intelligence” provided by the Shin Bet security agency and Military Intelligence Directorate.

The intelligence includes drone videos clearly showing armed Hamas fighters strolling casually around the UN, waving in UN vehicles and personnel and loading weapons into UN vehicles. Even worse, the footage shows fighters firing on civilians from within the compound.

Care to try and explain that away, Helen?

The IDF and Shin Bet said the war room was used by Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that rules the Gaza Strip, to plan attacks against Israeli troops operating in central Gaza.

More than 15 terrorist operatives, including 10 Hamas fighters, were killed in the strike, according to the IDF. The death toll included members of Hamas’ elite Nukhba force who participated in the terrorist group’s Oct 7 massacre across southern Israel, the military noted.

With UN workers joining in the slaughter, it might be pointed out.

This is, of course, just the latest proof that Hamas regularly commits war crimes by embedding its fighters in civilian installations, from hospitals to schools to residential buildings.

As a core part of their military strategy, Hamas terrorists embed themselves within Gaza’s civilian population and commandeer civilian facilities like hospitals, schools, and mosques to run operations and direct attacks against Israel.

With, it appears, the full connivance of the UNRWA.

The IDF also revealed on Tuesday that in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Saturday, terrorists were identified in UNRWA’s central logistics compound alongside UN vehicles.
In the footage, several terrorists and gunfire can be seen near UN vehicles and in the area of UNRWA’s logistics warehouse compound.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) – the global organization’s agency dedicated solely to the refugees and descendants of Palestinians who fled during Israel’s 1948 War of Independence – has been embroiled in controversy for months.

In January, Israel alleged that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the Oct 7 terrorist attacks, assisted in kidnapping Israelis that day, and had other close ties to Hamas. Israel said one UNRWA employee, a math teacher, was a Hamas operative who helped kidnap an Israeli soldier from Be’eri in southern Israel on Oct 7 and assisted in the transfer of Hamas weapons and trucks. Israel said the math teacher had a “logistical position” in Hamas’ Deir el-Balah battalion, was involved in “receiving and holding hostages,” and was “seen photographing a female hostage” […]

UNRWA has also been accused of inciting antisemitism, terrorism, and hatred of Israel in the textbooks it issues to Palestinians schools.

The Algemeiner

It’s not a matter of accusation: it’s a matter of fact.

While October 7 and after is the pointy end of the stick, the UNRWA’s connivance with Hamas, and its spreading of anti-Semitic propaganda, have been going on for years.
Including while Helen Clark was heading the UN umbrella organisation which runs the UNRWA.

Where does the buck stop, in the UN?

And why would any decent country send them money?
