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Palestinian fighters from the armed wing of Hamas are taking part in a military parade in front of an Israeli military site to mark the anniversary of the 2014 war with Israel, near the border in the central Gaza Strip, on July 19, 2023. (Photo by Majdi Fathi/NurPhoto)NO USE FRANCE

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has produced an excellent series debunking Palestinian propaganda.

Unfortunately, the very people who should read such a series, won’t, but it’s worth summarising so that reasonable people can at least go into a debate with the “pro-Palestinian” lobby fully armed with the facts (acknowledging that even that won’t be enough: the ability of such people to close their minds to anything they don’t want to hear is truly mind-boggling).

Indeed, they’ve willfully rejected fact-based inquiry in favour of passionate ignorance.

Anti-Israel propaganda depends on ignorance. Students chanting “From the river to the sea” can’t identify either the river or the sea in question. Few have even heard about UN Resolution 181, and fewer still know how a piece of territory roughly the size of New Jersey came to be known as “Palestine.” They have been misled into believing “a truth” far removed from truth.

To counter the assault of anti-Israel propaganda on the streets of American cities and on American college campuses, the Investigative Project on Terrorism introduces a new series aimed at debunking the ubiquitous “pro-Palestine” claims.

The first is possibly the most disgusting: that the grotesque slaughter by the troglodyte savages of Hamas is “legitimate resistance”.

But Hamas is not a resistance group. Legitimate resistance groups don’t butcher infants, abduct grandmothers, or brand children. They don’t send storm troopers to prey on children and elderly civilians. They don’t use rape as a tactic to desecrate their victims and satisfy their violent sexual desires. They don’t defile corpses or kill family pets. Any group that does so crosses the line from “resistance” to “terrorism.” Hamas’s feral humans did these things, bragged about doing so, to their mothers even, and made videos of themselves doing so. And they promise to do it again.

For all their faults (and brave thinkers such as Albert Camus were not afraid to point them out), the French Resistance directed their atttacks strictly at German targets, as well as their collaborators. That such “collaborators” were sometimes wrongly identified, or were very often women forced to sell all they had left to feed their families, doesn’t change that. Nor the fact that the Resistance were sometimes callously indifferent to inevitable German reprisals.

Resistance groups are also called upon by international law to abide by the Geneva Conventions.

But Hamas defies all the rules of war, as do all the other Palestinian organizations that hide behind the “resistance” label.

Hamas is, simply put, a terrorist group. It is designated so by dozens of countries, including, now, New Zealand. Even Arab countries reject Hamas.

Jordan banned Hamas in 1999. In 2017, Saudia Arabia’s foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir rejected Hamas’s claim to the term “resistance” and called it a “terrorist organization.” Not only has the United Arab Emirates designated Hamas a terrorist organization, but, in 2021, it chastised all nations that have not done so. The UAE’s foreign minister Abdullah bin Zayed called it “unfortunate that some countries do not act more clearly in classifying … Hamas, Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood” as terrorist organizations.

Contrary to genuine Resistance groups such as the French in WWII, Hamas doesn’t restrict itself to even Israeli targets. Hundreds of non-Israelis were murdered indiscriminately on October 7, including Americans, Thais, Nepalis, Ukrainians, Chinese, and many more. The fatuous claim that a Thai or Chinese might have been mistaken for an Israeli is beneath contempt.

In fact, Palestinians have targeted non-Jewish Americans for decades, including Robert F. Kennedy, assassinated by a Palestinian nationalist.

Just as mobs of Palestinian thugs attacked trucks delivering aid from Egypt, killing at least one driver, Palestinians have willfully murdered even those trying to help them. Including a bomb attack on a convoy of US State Department SUVs in Gaza in 2003, which killed three Americans.

What was a convoy of State Department SUVs doing in the Gaza Strip in October 2003? The answer should sicken every American. They were interviewing Palestinian students for Fulbright Scholarships. That’s right. U.S. taxpayers paid for diplomats to travel to the heart of Hamas-land in order to dispense more tax dollars to subsidize Palestinian students, offering them a free college education.

When American investigators arrived at the scene, they were attacked by mobs of Palestinians hurling deadly projectiles.

So the next time someone says that the “Palestinian resistance only targets Israelis,” explain the difference between a resistance group and a terrorist group. Then remind them who killed Robert F. Kennedy, Cleo Noel, George Moore, John Branchizio, Mark Parsons, and John Linde.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism

It’ll fall on willfully deaf ears, of course, but we should at least try to meet the barrage of pro-Hamas lies with truths the left doesn’t want to hear.

Tomorrow: “Israel is a Settler-Colonial State”.
