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Photo by Emil Kalibradov. The BFD.

As I wrote recently, major US law firms are no longer too keen on hiring Harvard or Stanford graduates. Mostly because they are all too aware that the cult of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” has stifled critical thinking on US campuses. Graduates from elite universities are no longer the best and brightest, but the scrapings of diversity hiring, and petulant, crybabies who are wholly unable to handle disagreement.

This week, it got worse.

In the wake of the horrific mass murder of Israelis by Hamas, 31 Harvard student groups declared their allegiance to the Jew-killers and asserted that Israelis deserved what they got. Major law firms, as well as CEOs of other companies, demanded to know which students had put their names to the declaration: “so as to ensure that none of us inadvertently hire any of [them]”.

But if it’s apparently news to Harvard students that there are rather a lot of Jewish lawyers, Harvard is finding out the hard way that there are a lot of very successful Jewish-Americans in business. Jewish-Americans who longer feel inclined to gift money to an openly anti-Semitic institution.

A “stunned and sickened” Wexner Foundation, a leading voice for the Jewish faith, is pulling its support for Harvard in the latest rebuke of the university’s handling of the Hamas terror attack in Israel.

The foundation is cutting ties with Harvard’s Kennedy School and pulling its support.

In an open letter addressed to Harvard’s Board of Overseers on Monday, the foundation said, “We have observed that this cherished tolerance for diverse perspectives has slowly but perceptibly narrowed over the years,” the Jerusalem Post wrote, adding that the “Wexner Israel Fellows are increasingly marginalized, their voices and views even shouted down.”

The Post adds that the open letter states, “We are stunned and sickened at the dismal failure of Harvard’s leadership to take a clear and unequivocal stand against the barbaric murders of innocent Israeli civilians by terrorists.”

Exactly why Jewish business people would ever give money to Harvard in the first place is something to ponder. After all, Harvard, along with other Ivy League universities, explicitly restricted Jewish admissions. Them Joos was just too damn smart.

But if you thought such quotas ever really went away, think again. In recent years they’ve reared their ugly, intolerant head again, under the guise of “affirmative action”.

Put simply, smart, high-achieving Jewish kids are automatically docked on their enrolment scores, in favour of mediocre black kids. Playing with advanced mathematics is a distant second to playing basketball.

To damn them with faint praise, America’s universities hardly single out Jews for discrimination: Asian kids, another hard-working, smart, successful demographic, are penalised as well. An Asian-American student needs to score two to three times higher on their SAT to even compete with a black kid.

But Harvard’s sickening tolerance for the most violent anti-Semitic attacks in nearly a century is clearly the last straw for many wealthy Jewish-Americans.

The nonprofit was founded by former Victoria’s Secret billionaire Leslie Wexner and his wife Abigail, who accused Harvard of “tiptoeing” around the Hamas attacks Oct. 7 in Israel […]

As the Herald reported last week, Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups backed a letter co-signed by more than 30 college organizations that stated, in part: “We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all the unfolding violence.”

The fallout from that message and the response by Harvard’s President Claudine Gay that critics are saying was weak, continues to reverberate on the Cambridge campus more divided than in recent memory.

The Wexner Foundation is far from the only critic of Harvard.

Former Harvard President Larry Summers, U.S. Reps Seth Moulton (D-Salem) and Jake Auchincloss (D-Newton) — both veterans of the War on Terror — have all ripped Harvard and some of its students for failing to back Israel so early in a war with Hamas terrorists.

Philanthropists Idan and Batia Ofer last week quit the Kennedy School’s Dean’s Executive Board.

Harvard’s fondness for Jew-massacring terrorists will cost them dearly.

The Wexner Foundation’s latest nonprofit 990 report, according to GuideStar, states it funneled $1.83 million to Harvard in 2021 for “leadership development.” Another $660,000-plus more was also donated by the foundation to Harvard for “educational fellowships,” the latest tax form states.

The Boston Herald

Donate the money to helping survivors of Hamas’ terror, instead. Especially the hundreds of Israeli women and children still held hostage by the bloodthirsty cutthroats of Gaza.


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