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Have Medical Ethics Been Thrown Out?

Photo credit Joe McPhee. National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

As with almost every health service worldwide now, UCSF Health in California appear to have abandoned medical ethics and critical analysis at the altar of Big Pharma, with mask rules and Covid industry propaganda front and centre on their homepage. Californian Steve Kirsch contacted UCSF’s media relations team on 20 March with 25 questions, after learning via multiple contacts that their staff are under instruction not to associate Covid vaccines with injuries being observed! After receiving no response, that night he sent an email to Dr Josh Adler, executive vice president and chief clinical officer at UCSF Health who apparently made the verbal order.

Read Kirsch’s article UCSF orders their doctors to ignore Covid vaccine injuries. After being ghosted, on 22 March he wrote an update: If you live near UCSF and are willing to help expose the corruption there, fill out this form, in which he is recruiting people to assist with putting pressure on UCSF.

UCSF are a single example of the domino effect which saw health professionals across the globe abandon their medical ethics, right to autonomous practice and critical analysis, upon threats made by regulatory authorities everywhere. We detailed these worldwide directions and their connections with the pharmaceutical industry in October 2022, at Ongoing Lock Step Scenarios: The Peril of Post-Covid-19 Medical Globalism, and we continue to fight against this tyranny causing incalculable harms to humanity. Kirsch argues the domino effect in reverse, insisting that once UCSF’s unethical practices are exposed, and those responsible are held to account, “the whole thing will come crashing down”.

The 10 largest pharmaceutical companies have a business model that meets the criteria for organised crime.”

Professor Peter Gotzsche

New Zealanders are being harmed by the misnamed Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ and our health system is in distress. It is imperative that those positioned to protect our health and the health system demand a restoration of basic medical ethics and advocate for the rights of their patients, themselves and society.

Dr Matt Shelton Representing Medical Ethics

Aware of the critical time we are living through, Dr Matt Shelton has put his hat in the ring with Democracy NZ, as candidate for Wellington’s Ohariu seat. At a recent meeting he stood up and challenged Dr Shane Reti MP and Nicola Willis MP, below, after they blanked another health care practitioner who described his cardiac injury and many of his patients having jab injuries too. The silence and obfuscation of elected officials must stop.

Dr Shelton and NZDSOS are unwavering in the representation of sound medical ethics ingrained in us since training, and of the courage it takes to articulate the issues in a climate of fear and ridicule. We call on the medical profession to join NZDSOS in what is very clearly the fight of our lives.

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