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Have We Learnt Nothing From Covid?

person holding medication pills
Photo by Kayla Maurais. The BFD.

With the ’flu season upon us, it is a good time to ponder on the pandemic, particularly one positive outcome they don’t want us discussing. Health authorities, through the Therapeutic Products bill, are working hard to shut down alternative medical practitioners – to silence voices drawing attention to the medical practitioners’ dependence on pharmaceuticals to cure whatever is wrong with you.

Conventional medicine is essential and we disregard it at our peril but the weight assigned to pharmaceutical products during Covid, highlights the problem of becoming so dependent on pharmaceuticals that the balance of power in health decisions shifts without fanfare from the consumer to the supplier. Through the medical profession, pharmaceutical companies have far too much power and sway in individual health decisions.

Faced with current or pending health problems triggered by genetics, age or lifestyle, judgement calls are required when formulating action plans.

Given the choice of popping pills or making dietary and lifestyle changes, my choice is always the latter. Until Covid this was done with the full knowledge and support of the family doctor but, since Covid, I no longer have the same confidence. A traditional medical opinion is still essential of course, but it is tarnished by a loss of confidence. Are they more interested in my health or selling a medical product?

Where do you think those disbarred medical practitioners went after their licences were revoked, remembering they were the critical thinkers who refused to compromise on a core duty of acting in the best interests of their patients?

Pre-Covid the NZ medical industry tolerated complementary medical treatments that worked in conjunction with conventional medicine but at some point their web page on complementary and alternative medicine was taken down.

Covid rules came with the instruction that success depended on mass compliance. Horror stories of people reacting badly to their first vaccination were met by doctors insisting the second shot was essential and should be taken with a crash cart on hand to deal with the consequences. Ashley Bloomfield was notorious for turning down exemption requests.

The non-compliant percentage of the population dropped on a daily basis, proudly measured and announced; laggards were shamed as traitors to the nation and granny killers.

The Covid rules worked because the penalties for not obeying were harsh. At the high end of the scale, you lost your job, your home and access to medical treatment and couldn’t go into your child’s school or travel. At the low end, you couldn’t eat out, get a haircut or inspect an open home. It was a class system where dissidents were removed from everyday life, ostracised and shamed.

Before Covid, such draconian measures would have been scoffed at or laughed at. There would have been overwhelming public resistance but, in the not-so-brave new Covid world, we succumbed to the government-imposed fear of hospitalisation and death where Covid could catch, kill and maim.

Nevertheless, some people resisted at great personal cost. Why?

Some didn’t trust the government’s reliance on computer modelling. Eighty thousand NZ Covid deaths were projected by Te Punaha Matatini (Auckland University’s data-focused Centre of Research Excellence) boffins who used information supplied by British epidemiologist and biological maths modeller Prof. Neil Ferguson.

Instead of apologising and hanging their heads in shame for endorsing financially destructive Covid management plans, health experts such as Shaun Hendy are still advocating crippling lockdowns. An academic down a rabbit hole. The medical fraternity’s swift move to rubbish ivermectin, a cheap and very safe drug, was suspicious given Covid-19’s short history. Shutting people away and telling them there was no effective treatment, left vaccination as the only option. While overseas doctors tried repurposed drugs to save lives, NZ did not.

We relied on the new vaccine technology then forced reluctant participants across the line, ignoring cries of “It’s my body, my choice”.

Health experts argued the experimental vaccine would work in the same way as the ’flu vaccine. A gross overstatement about ’flu vaccine efficacy that wasn’t challenged.

The ’flu vaccine is reformulated every year after estimating the prevalent seasonal virus strains, but it only protects for three to six months and the CDC says it protects just 40% to 60% of the eligible population. How desperate were we to jump on the two-shot vaccine bandwagon that wasn’t? What are the long-term effects of multiple shots?

We disregarded our own history: the first NZ flu vaccine was restricted to at-risk over-65s in 1997 and two years later became available to at-risk under-65s. It wasn’t offered to pregnant women until 13 years later in 2010.

How could we know the mRNA technology was safe for a pregnant woman and her foetus? Why did we think a Covid vaccine would be available inside two years when a vaccine usually takes 10 years to properly develop and test?

What is the mRNA doing in the brain and vital organs? Far from remaining in the arm muscle, it travels through the body. Does it interfere with the DNA instructions that produce proteins, the complex molecules that do most of the work in our bodies including fighting infection and cancer? What is it telling our DNA to do?

At least one preprint study claims to have identified the spike protein in blood samples by means of proteomic analysis up to more than six months after mRNA vaccination. How long is the spike protein active in the body?

Pfizer lied about their vaccine’s 95% efficacy, among other things.

There were many reasons not to trust the government’s Covid narrative. Media were essential in spreading the “We are your one source of truth” propaganda, and doctors who questioned or disobeyed the Covid narrative were silenced or struck off.

Remember when the experts said vaccine immunity beats natural immunity and nobody argued otherwise? They insisted that Covid recoverers, presumably with naturally acquired immunity, be jabbed over and over again.

We waited for a vaccine that doesn’t work for very long and could be weakening the immune system, the opposite of what was promised and a red flag for autoimmune disease. A study released last month found that the numbers of CD8+ T cells, known as “killer T cells” for their role in destroying infected cells, were substantially reduced in people who had been infected and vaccinated. Is this contributing to Long Covid? Do CD8+ numbers bounce back over time?

Most people followed the rules, stayed home, wore masks and socially distanced when going out (only for the essentials, mind) and we didn’t talk to our neighbours. The rules were ridiculous and ineffective.

The government didn’t want us to catch Covid-19, but our family adopted the opposite approach and used the Zelenko protocol. We wanted the immunity gain as long as we could effectively treat the symptoms. It was a gamble that stacked up better on paper than the myriad of unknowns the mRNA vaccine presented, and so far has worked out well in practice. If Covid-19 takes me out, I take full responsibility.

We quietly ignored the government’s stringent rules about masking, social distancing and we avoided vaccination. We took daily vitamin C and D supplements with zinc and used an iodine-based mouthwash to treat sore throat and cold symptoms.

Some of us caught Covid-19, which was short lived after being doused with ivermectin, but this year we can’t replace it because NZ doctors are under closer scrutiny and will lose their licence to practice if caught prescribing it. Dr Peter McCullough recommends Nattokinase to destroy the inflammatory spike protein, so we have this on hand along with Quercetin and NAC for our next encounter.

Last week was the third anniversary of the American FLCCC Alliance, who, in their latest newsletter, recall their early days of treating Covid-19. In April 2020 an initial group of ten people, including eight esteemed doctors, met to discuss Dr Paul Marik’s protocol for treating Covid-19.

Dr Marik and the FLCCC physicians huddled for hours – discussing and refining the protocol – which soon came to be known as the MATH+ protocol – Methylprednisolone (a steroid),  Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Thiamine, Heparin and several additional co-interventions.

Even though Betsy and I dispatched nationally distributed press releases about the protocol (which was already saving nearly every critically ill Covid patient in Dr Marik’s Norfolk, Virginia ICU), and followed up with calls to newsrooms, we came up with ZERO responses.

These doctors, and any others successfully treating Covid-19, were ignored by federal health agencies, health officials and numerous elected officials, including the White House, where their dispatch was received via courier.

How hard can this be to get the news out that people don’t have to die from COVID?” I mean, you would think that the protocol developed by Dr Marik, the world’s most highly published critical-care physician, would be trusted by health authorities and medical providers around the world. After all, he was the nation’s “expert’s expert.” And isn’t that who you turn to in a global health emergency?

At the time hospitals using the MATH+ protocol experienced mortality rates of four to six per cent, compared with non-MATH+ hospitals mortality rates of anywhere from 18 to 80 per cent, but health officials weren’t interested in any alternatives and media wanted hard evidence on a plate.

I remember calling a CNN producer who told me that without a randomized controlled trial (RCT), she could not proceed with scheduling an interview. “But this protocol was developed by the world’s most highly published critical-care medicine physician with decades of clinical experience,” I protested. “People are dying – and fast. This is a global medical emergency. Dr Marik and many of the other FLCCC docs are saving most every critically ill Covid patient in their ICUs. Dr Marik is the doctor you and the CDC, WHO, NIH and the FDA ought to be talking to!” “Sorry,” was all she said and hung up.

It became obvious “there was already a hierarchy – an impermeable “structure” – that had been put in place (likely by the alphabet agencies in bed with the media and pharmaceutical companies) to manage what (and who) gets on the news, and what (and who) doesn’t. Fauci, Birx and company were in. Marik, Kory et al… yeah, not a chance.

FLCCC Newsletter

Coincidentally last week an online tool was launched in NZ for recognising and treating long Covid using the website of a support group for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) sufferers.

“It is estimated that 10 to 20 per cent of everyone who had Covid-19 will experience long Covid symptoms: that’s over 250,000 New Zealanders, and some are very severe, leaving them unable to work or carry out normal daily tasks,” says ME support manager and vice president Kate Duder.

“The complexity of the illness has generated confusion, so it was important to bring together our 10 years of expertise managing post-viral illnesses, along with experts and New Zealanders with lived experience, to create a free resource of information all in one place, that anyone can access.

“This support tool will be vital to the health and wellbeing of hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders.”

Long Covid, as a post-viral illness, has a similar presentation of symptoms and very similar molecular signatures for immune dysregulation, inflammation and energy production as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.”


NZ scarcely recognises vaccine injury so it’s not surprising that ongoing health issues are labelled long Covid despite the possibility of vaccine injury or recurrent Covid infections caused by the vaccine.

No one is looking for answers in NZ’s Covid-19 world, where the government’s positive media profile matters more than any Covid-19 patient or death. This is socialism on a personal level and it’s evil.

The inconvenient rise in all-cause mortality deaths in highly vaccinated countries isn’t an issue here either. There’s no hope of authenticating reported Covid-19 deaths and even less possibility of investigating reasons for the excess deaths following the vaccine rollout, in numbers exceeding Covid-19 deaths.

It’s election year and this presents a grand opportunity to restore public confidence in MPs, political parties and the medical profession, but none of them appear willing to shine light on our nefarious Covid policies, particularly when inundated with equally important issues of government centralisation, a failing economy, poor public health, bad roading, unemployment and last, but not least, racial division.

It is time for the public to reward politically fluid politicians who shift allegiance between parties to support policies that stand or fall based on their own merit instead of supporting impractical and ineffective party ideology.
