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No red flags here at all. The BFD.

Every day, the tranny mob get more and more demented and violent. Drag queens fondling children in public libraries, sex offenders flashing their penises at little girls, and men throwing rages in stores because It’s Ma’am! was just the start. Over the past few weeks, we’ve got to see just how truly, violently insane the people who insist they’re not mentally ill really are.

Serial rapists and paedophiles in women’s prisons. A near-lynching of a woman in Auckland. A mass shooting of a Christian school in Nashville — the fourth such mass shooting by a trans or “non-binary” person in as many years.

Just days after the latest mass murder by a tranny, they were at the violence again, staging a violent insurrection.

Hundreds of protesters descended on the Kentucky State Capitol on Wednesday as Republican lawmakers enacted a sweeping ban on sex changes for minors after overriding the veto of the Democratic governor.

Under Senate Bill 150, doctors are prohibited from providing hormone therapy or other gender-affirming treatments to anyone under the age of 18.

And rightly so. Such “therapy” will not only damage children’s development, it will leave them sterile and unlikely to ever be able to achieve sexual fulfilment as an adult. That’s just the start of the House of Horrors stuff that is “gender-affirming treatment”. Any doctor who inflicts this on a child should be struck off. Any parent who allows it should be charged with abuse.

But the trannies are all hot for it.

Kentucky State Police removed several protesters who refused to remain silent during the proceedings in the House of Representatives as lawmakers discussed overturning Governor Andy Beshear‘s veto of SB 150. Some of the protesters locked arms and chanted “trans kids are under attack.” According to the outlet, they were also removed and arrested.

The Post Millennial

This is the media doing their “mostly peaceful” lying again. In fact, what happened was a violent invasion of the Capitol. A veritable Transchluss.

And, if the trannies are to be taken at their word, they’re just getting started.

A transgender activist group is planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” rally outside the US Supreme Court this Saturday — just days after mass shooter Audrey Hale slaughtered six people inside a Nashville school […]

Organizers, however, have insisted that’s not the case, saying in a statement on their website: “This protest is about unity, not inciting violence. TRAN does not encourage violence and it is not welcome at this event.”

NY Post

Yet, the public face of its “Day of Vengeance” would suggest otherwise, with a series of creepy, alarming TikTok videos.

A militant transgender activist who has quickly become one of the most high-profile ‘faces’ of the radical movement […] posted a video of herself [himself] with an assault rifle after the Nashville school shooting […]

[Kayla Denker] does not say anything in the TikTok, but reloads her [his] assault rifle multiple times, staring at the camera.

Daily Mail

If you thought that was enough of a red flag, they just keep on coming, faster than a mob of trannies who’ve spotted an unattended child in a public bathroom.

Josselyn Berry, press secretary for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs, has resigned after posting a tweet advocating violence against those who oppose the “radical trans agenda.” In response to what she called “transphobia.”

Katie Hobbs is, it shouldn’t surprise you, a Democrat. Hobbs won the governorship by the narrowest possible margin, in an election which is still plagued by ongoing legal action claiming electoral fraud. Hobbs claims to be a moderate.

Yet, she employs people who post open threats of gun violence hours after a mass shooting.

Berry tweeted a photo of a woman pointing two guns with the caption “Us when we see transphobes.”

This tweet came just a day after a trans school shooter killed six people at a Christian private school in Nashville.

Twitter policy explicitly prohibits violent threats, including threats of physical harm, torture, sexual assault, or any other form of violence. However, the account that made the violent tweet is still active on the platform.

Earlier on the same day, Twitter locked several accounts, including The Post Millennial, Senior Editor Andy Ngo, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Brandon Straka. The accounts were locked after reporting on the Trans Day of Vengeance, which Antifa and trans groups are organizing for April 1 in Washington, DC.

The Post Millennial

Is the tranny violence just starting? Or will the deranged men in dresses finally realise that they’re shooting themselves in the cock, and back down?

What do you reckon?
