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The bloody aftermath of police brutality in Melbourne. The BFD.

“Democracy dies in darkness”, says the Washington Post. They’d know: they’ve been doing their best to draw a suffocating sackcloth over American democracy for years. What the media choose not to say is often more important that what they do. Hunter Biden’s laptop, for instance.

Or the astonishing brutality of Victoria’s police state.

The mainstream media in Australia have done their best to draw a discreet blanket over the actions of “Dictator Dan’s” goons. But sometimes the brutality of the thugs in blue is too much for even the most bootlicking hack to ignore.

A Victoria Police officer has been suspended from duty as police investigate a video of a man being slammed to the ground during an arrest at a Melbourne train station during last week’s protests.

The video, which began circulating on social media on Thursday, appears to show a police officer approaching a man, who is talking to other officers, and tackling him to the ground at Flinders Street Station.

A loud noise can be heard as the man hits the station’s tiled floor.

That “loud noise” was his skull. As a subsequent video showed, the man suffered significant, bloody, head injuries.

The bloody aftermath of police brutality in Melbourne. The BFD.
“An acting sergeant from a specialist Support Unit has since been suspended as a result of early enquiries.”


He would’ve gotten away with it, if it weren’t for those darn meddling kids with their mobile phones!

The ABC’s Paul Barry can sniff about “so-called independent journalists” all he likes, but independent journalists, not to mention just ordinary folks with mobiles, are running rings about the “curated media”. If it had been up to the mainstream media, the video of the shocking police brutality would have been spiked quicker than TVNZ sitting on a Siouxsie Wiles video.

Decades ago, Rupert Murdoch of all people predicted that mobile technology was the emerging threat to dictatorships. When anyone with a mobile and an internet connection can broadcast almost instantly to the world, dictators struggle to keep a lid on the truth. Arthur C. Clarke made the same observation, back in the early 80s.

Every time you watch, comment on or share a video of police brutality in Melbourne, you do your bit to ensure justice awaits the perpetrators. This video of a policeman viciously slinging a man face first into the Flinders Street Station floor went viral.

So many people saw it, and were rightly outraged by it, that the Lying Press had to take notice. This caused a headache for police command, so they have to make it look like they are doing something about it.


This is why independent media are so vital — and why the mainstream media hate it. They know independent media and citizen journalists are an existential threat to, not just their own fortunes, but to the elites who rely on them to stay in control.

So, keep filming, keep sharing, and keep supporting independent media.

Keep up the pressure and make police be accountable for smashing old ladies into the ground…

Beating restrained protesters with rifle butts…

Shooting peaceful protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance.

As long as the powers-that-be and their media lackeys can keep a lid on such malfeasance, the longer they’ll keep getting away with it.

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