Dear readers, while our advertising revenue is only a small part of our revenue compared to BFD memberships we do rely on it to pay for a lot of the basics to keep our site going.
Over the holiday period, this drops significantly which is why we need more monthly memberships from our readers as that gives us the revenue we can count on month in and month out to pay the bills.
Every single membership helps whether it is a Basic Membership or a Silver membership.
Our volunteers and writers are going toe to toe with well-funded and government-subsidised competitors.
We are funded by you our readers, and we are very grateful for your support.
Can you manage $5 a month for a Basic membership?
What about $10 a month for a Bronze Membership?
Why not treat yourself to a Silver or Gold Membership?
We are succeeding because our community backs us to be the voice for conservatives in an increasingly left-wing media landscape.
We need your support and we particularly need your monthly memberships. Will you support our community?