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Herald Columnist Needs to Harden Up


With a title like  “4 ways to deal with anxiety over Covid Delta variant“, I was expecting to see:

NZ Herald Headline
  1. Don’t be such a pussy
  2. Take a cup of cold concrete and harden up
  3. Stop listening to Jacinda Ardern
  4. Avoid the mainstream media.

But no, we get someone who immediately stokes up readers’ anxiety with: “the Delta strain is worse, and as a result, we’re taking it more seriously” and: “And this is the problem with Covid and anxiety – the threat is real”. Yep, she’s really trying hard to increase the fear levels in the gullible and anxious. She tries a little of her own ‘scientificness’ with a statement showing that she really doesn’t get medical language at all:

It also helps define what anxiety is – specifically fear in the absence of fearful stimuli that grow to cause a problem by causing us to avoid or become preoccupied with the feared outcome.  I reckon we’re all a bit preoccupied right now.  And this is the problem with Covid and anxiety – the threat is real, but the intensity of how we’re feeling is a problem.  So rather than focussing on dealing with, solving or getting rid of the anxiety (arguably not possible or even a good idea in situations where the threat is real) instead, we focus on reducing – or regulating – the fear response.

Well no ‘Ms’ MacDonald, that’s a jumbled definition of anxiety that I think you just chopped up and re-worded yourself.  Maybe try something like this:

Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness and worry, usually generalized and unfocused as an overreaction to a situation that is only subjectively seen as menacing.[3] It is often accompanied by muscular tension,[4] restlessness, fatigue, inability to catch one’s breath, tightness in the abdominal region, and problems in concentration. Anxiety is closely related to fear, which is a response to a real or perceived immediate threat; anxiety involves the expectation of future threat including dread.

So the key difference between anxiety and fear is that fear is of a real, imminent threat, whereas anxiety is an overreaction to a perceived but not real threat. And that is the key here to what ‘she’ should be talking about.

The people are indeed anxious because our government has deliberately created and encouraged anxiety and overreaction in the population to serve its own political ends. You were so close ‘Ms’ MacDonald, but you were blinded by the anxiety-inducing propaganda of your left-wing comrades.

And, yes, I know Kyle McDonald is a bloke, but an article like this just reinforces the view that there are some pathetic, dribbling wet, girly men amongst us.

He writes like a Kylie, so I’m still calling him “Ms” anyway as it’s probably his chosen pronoun.

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