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Donald Trump isn’t even confirmed as the Republican candidate yet and already the globalist Establishment is up to their old tricks. Ridiculous hyperbole, gross exaggeration, deliberately skewed reporting, misrepresentation, blind panic… it’s all spewing out, and we’ve still nearly ten months to go.

We’re even getting a do-over of the “Russian collusion” hoax.

The Big Lie of the media du jour is that Trump is encouraging Russia to invade Europe. This is a ridiculous lie, of course — but then, so was pretty much everything the media said between 2016 and 2020. What Trump has really said, albeit in his own characteristically hyperbolic way, is that if NATO’s European members don’t start pulling their weight, they can go hang.

Former President Donald Trump said safety comes at a price, and that no one is exempt, including NATO allies.

At a rally in Conway, South Carolina on Saturday, Trump told supporters that if he is reelected in November, the United States will not defend NATO allies from attacks if they are not contributing enough to defense spending.

“Most politicians have said to that ‘yes, we will protect you under any circumstance.’ Well, then they’re never paying up. I said no, no, you have to understand. You don’t pay your bills, you get no protection. It’s very simple,” Trump said.

Scripps News

Naturally, the EU elite are panicking at the very thought of having to pay their way for a change.

NATO “cannot be an alliance a la carte,” EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Monday after Donald Trump downplayed his commitment to NATO’s security umbrella in Europe if he becomes US president again.


Au contraire, mon ami freeloader, there ain’t no free dejeuner.

For nearly eighty years, Europe has been freeloading off American generosity. Although required by the treaty to spend at least 2% of their GDP on defence, most European NATO members have rarely spent anywhere near that. Germany has been one of the worst offenders. When, in an act of extraordinary, perhaps even undeserved, generosity, America chose to rebuild Germany instead of leaving it as a smoking ruin that it probably deserved for the crimes of the Third Reich, Germany grasped it for all they could get. The so-called “post-War economic miracle” of Germany was mostly underwritten by America, who contributed the bulk of Germany’s defence against Soviet aggression, relieving the erstwhile Third Reich of a considerable bill on its GDP.

In return, of course, America has endured eighty years of sneers and derision from the very Europeans it saved from themselves.

Many Americans, starting with Donald Trump, have had enough of European perfidy.

Naturally, EU leaders are in a panic.

And whether or not Trump wins in November, the fact that this image of NATO has resonated with a significant number of Americans implies a change that in the coming years will surely also affect the image of the transatlantic alliance within Europe itself.

La Nacion

As Monty famously said, all the greatest calamities of the 20th century — Communism, Fascism, Nazism — originated in Europe. Every time, Europe had been saved from itself by outside forces.

Maybe it’s long past time someone told Europe to get its act together.
