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The Wages of Diversity: Melbourne under curfew. The BFD.

Is it on again? Just a week after begging for an “amnesty” for their brutal bastardy in the name of Covid, are they really gearing up to do it all again?

Suddenly, it’s beginning to look like 2020, all over again: the fear-mongering, the hand-waving by “experts” — and the unconvincing assurances that they’re not planning to strip away anyone’s freedoms.

The fourth Covid wave has arrived just in time for Christmas raising fears restrictions could return and ruin the festive holiday.

Cases rose drastically across the country with some states recording an 80 per cent uptick as several Covid variants run rampant.

BA.5, BA.2.75, XBB, and BQ.1 are among the strains circulating in the community, driving up infections, and evading immunity from vaccinations and past infections.

Have you even noticed? Would anyone have even noticed, if we didn’t have a fear-addicted media and bureaucratic class, shrieking and waving their hands?

So, are lockdowns on again?

Some health experts called for restrictions such as face mask mandates to be reintroduced raising concerns more drastic measures like lockdowns could return.

Chief medical officer Paul Kelly eased concerns saying it was ‘not likely’ lockdown would return no matter how high case numbers soared.

Then again, they swore black and blue that there would be no mask or vaccine mandates, too — right up until they imposed them. Why should we believe their assurances about lockdowns?

Even if they’re finally admitting quietly what we were called “conspiracy theorists”, “deniers” and “misinformation” for saying for the last two years:

Even Deakin University chair of epidemiology Catherin Bennett, one of the loudest voices calling for more restrictions, admits lockdowns won’t happen.

‘Lockdowns won’t work, they don’t work with Omicron…”

But then comes the kicker:

“we would only go back to that if we were absolutely desperate,’ she said.

‘If we had a variant that was bringing serious illness in a way we haven’t seen before, then we might need to resort to more enforced measures.’

Daily Mail

In other words, they promise they won’t bring in lockdowns… until they go right ahead and do it.

If I may be so bold as to make a prediction: there will be no lockdowns until at least the end of November.

Once the Victorian election is over, though, all bets are off.
