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Here’s a Radical Idea, BLM: Stop Shooting Each Other

Not everyone is blind to the truth. The BFD.

As I wrote recently, the cost of widespread innumeracy is deadly. When people are so ignorant of basic statistical reasoning that their worldview is at 180° to reality, people get hurt. David Dorn and many others were killed in riots sparked by complete and utter lies.

The astounding denialism of the “Black Lives Matter” narrative was ably demonstrated when Avi Yemini questioned a BLM protester in Melbourne. She asserted that the majority of black deaths in America were not caused by black-on-black violence, but by police or white people. That’s a complete lie. Black-on-black violence is responsible for over 90% of black killings in America.

The single most relevant fact for understanding America right now is the one you are least supposed to mention: Blacks are vastly more homicidal than any other racial or ethnic group.

Perhaps it’s not PC to put it so bluntly, but it’s the truth. Even the most panty-waisted “progressive” instinctively knows this, even if they could never bring themselves to admit it. There’s a reason why Australia’s green-left enclaves are the whitest areas in Australia. “White flight” happens for a reason.

Nobody seems to know this when thinking about the reality behind our ongoing Largely Peaceful Riots, although, oddly, the same folks seem to know it when thinking about where to buy real estate or listening to rap.

Contrary to what BLM and the white worms who crawl in its wake would try and tell you, that’s not because of some Great White Conspiracy or “systemic racism” – it’s the outcome of decades of leftist policy.

Welfare “reforms” like LBJ’s “Great Society” led directly to black America’s staggering rate of fatherlessness. Until the 1960s, blacks had lower rates of single-parent families than whites. As Thomas Sowell puts it, “the black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow”. It didn’t survive leftism.

Within a decade of the “Great Society”, black fatherlessness doubled. Today, it’s a staggering 70%. That has consequences.

As the years go by, there are fewer and fewer people in the press who can actually remember how the implementation of anti-racist theories about law enforcement in the 1960s and 1970s destroyed America’s cities, turning even Manhattan from the setting for Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 1961 to the backdrop for Taxi Driver in 1976[…]

History has been rewritten so that liberalism didn’t fail, it was never even tried. Therefore, we are being lectured to adopt the same policies today that managed to double the murder rate over the course of the 1960s and 1970s.

So, how can the left-elite blither that “black lives matter”, when so many black lives are dispatched over dat River Jordan by other blacks?

It’s not exactly that pundits don’t know this fact, more or less, it’s more that pointing it out is not a move allowed by the rules of their game. So, they forget; or practice, as Orwell called it, “protective stupidity.” Hence, very few can even recall how bad the racial ratios for homicide are[…]

Granted, I don’t really understand how so many people can both know and not know a simple statistic at the same time. I’m kind of a single-brained guy, so I’m always saying terribly gauche things like: Well, of course, home prices are lower in black neighborhoods, that’s due to all the shootings.

Well, you see – that’s the sort of blunt truthfulness that gets you disinvited from all the fashionable dinner parties.

From 1980 to 2008, blacks were 7.6 times as likely to be homicide offenders as whites, which, remarkably, is almost as large a ratio as males to females (8.9 times). Comprising only about 13 percent of the U.S. population, African-Americans accounted for 52.5 percent of homicide offenders[…]

And they might even be understating the true black-white ratio because the federal statistics lump most Hispanics in with whites. Moreover, murderers are tracked down less often in black cities than in white suburbs because, as they say, snitches get stitches: For example, about a dozen witnesses were murdered per year in South Central Los Angeles in the early 2000s.

A 2011 Penn State study estimated the true black-to-white homicide ratio to be 11.7 to 1.

Yet virtually nobody has mentioned this reality in the mainstream media in weeks or perhaps years.

Instead, the media are obsessed with police killings of unarmed black men which account for just 0.2 percent of black homicide victims.

And cities are burning, businesses are ransacked and good men like David Dorn are dying while hooting thugs watch and jeer.

Not everyone is blind to the truth. The BFD.

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