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He’s Shameless, and He’s at It Again

With all that we now know, you’d think Anthony Fauci would just slink quietly off into shadowy retirement and hope the lawyers don’t come looking for him. After all, the trail of Covid origins has a big, fat red arrow pointing squarely at Fauci’s National Institutes of Health. Fauci’s personal involvement in the cover-up of the lab-leak origins of the virus is even more damning.

Yet, here he is, bold as brass, popping up to peddle yet more brazen bullshit.

Speaking with CNN on Sunday, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci said he was “concerned” that Americans wouldn’t abide by new masking recommendations if the CDC were to return to the pandemic-era guidance.

Fauci told host Michael Smerconish that he was “concerned that people will not abide by recommendations” regarding masking.

That would probably be because they don’t bloody well work. Something we knew all along — those of us who bothered to read and understand the published studies, anyway.

Even Fauci is tacitly admitting it.

During the same interview, Smerconish asked Fauci to respond to a New York Times article where Oxford Senior Associate Tutor and epidemiologist Tom Jefferson said, “The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses – including COVID-19 – was published last month.” The study concluded, “There is just no evidence that [masks] make any difference.”

The cited article noted that Jefferson said the type of mask “makes no difference.” He noted that people who pushed initial mask guidance “were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies.”

Fauci said that there are studies that “show at an individual level, for individuals, they might be protective,” but “when you’re talking about the effect on the epidemic or the pandemic as a whole, the data are less strong.”

The Post-Millennial

Which is as close as this charlatan is ever going to get to admitting that it was all a shameful lie.

Dr Anthony Fauci has been branded a ‘fraud’ and a ‘liar’ after admitting there is now a lack of evidence to suggest wearing a mask helped stop the spread of COVID.

The immunologist, who retired from public service in December, was roundly slammed over the weekend after he said ‘the data are less strong’ now.

Some online accused him of ‘more subterfuge’ after he still called on Americans to cover up as cases start to spike once more.

While others took a stronger stance and said he was ‘smoked’ as more statistics and research is done on wearing masks during the pandemic.

We had the research before the pandemic, too. Meta-studies which quite clearly stated that there was no evidence to support mass-masking. (In a sign of how shamefully politicised science has become, though, the same study later added a preface stating, in effect, “We still know they don’t work, but we support mandates because we’re ordered to”.)

‘Fauci admits that masks don’t work for the public at large but still absurdly claims masks work on an individual basis. More subterfuge,’ wrote Senator Rand Paul.

Conservative political commentator Buck Sexton went further branding Fauci a ‘fraud and a liar.’

‘Fauci confronted with most definitive data analysis possible that masks make ZERO difference against Covid. Not a little, not slight- Zero. And he just mutters some numerical illiteracy bulls it about ‘individual protection.’ He’s a fraud and a liar.’

Fauci’s admission is a far cry from his early-pandemic steadfastness that mask mandates were going to curb the spike in cases.

So, why are mask mandates suddenly making a comeback?

Fauci’s admission that the data is ‘less strong’ on a population level comes as New Yorkers are being told to consider masking up this Labor Day due to concerns about rising Covid cases and two new variants […]

Hospitalizations [in New York City] are also rising, with 502 patients who had Covid admitted to the city’s hospitals on August 31.

That marks a five percent rise compared to the previous week. However, it is still well below the peak this year of almost 2,000 patients in hospital.

The Daily Mail

It’s almost as if Covid has become just another seasonal winter bug.
