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Hey Nikki, Where’s the Safety Data?



According to NZ Ministry of Health expert Dr Nikki Turner there is “lots of international data showing that the vaccination works really well with pregnant women. It’s got a really good safety profile.

During the NZ Covid-19 vaccine rollout last year one of my daughters was pregnant and another was breastfeeding. The advice they received was that the Pfizer vaccine was safe for them and their babies.

Dr Nikki’s advice on pregnancy, Covid-19 and the vaccination programme on the NZ Ministry of Health’s website from 29 September 2021 is still there today nearly a year later.

I’d like to see the safety data on vaccinating pregnant and lactating women that Dr Nikki says exists. “We have a lot of data to reassure ourselves that this is a good thing to do.”

She is not alone. The WHO and virtually every government has recommended Covid-19 vaccination for pregnant, trying to become pregnant and breast-feeding women.

But where is vaccine data specific to this group of women to reassure them the vaccine is safe?

Instead, recent evidence suggests that the mRNA vaccine accumulates in the ovaries and becomes responsible for menstrual disturbances.

Some women say their periods change after getting a covid-19 vaccination. In The BMJ today, Dr Victoria Male, a reproductive specialist at Imperial College London, says a link between menstrual changes after covid-19 vaccination is plausible and should be investigated.

Changes to periods or unexpected vaginal bleeding are not listed as common side effects of covid-19 vaccination, she writes. Yet more than 30,000 such reports had been made to the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) surveillance scheme for adverse drug reactions by 2 September.

British Medical Journal 16 Sep 2021

Even an idiot recognises the relationship between the ovaries and the reproductive process resulting in babies. Of course, this should be investigated but that doesn’t mean anyone did.

Since when did the absence of data on an experimental medical treatment constitute a good safety record?

The mRNA vaccine was released around the world under emergency approval because the risk of contracting Covid-19 was considered worse than the unknown risks from the experimental vaccines.

Israel had first dibs on nationwide Pfizer vaccination, rolling it out on 19 December 2020 after promising to share vast troves of medical data with the international drug giant in exchange for the continued flow of its hard-to-get vaccine”.

Astonishingly, that data is still not available.

More than 18 months later where is it? Would it alter the Pfizer vaccine’s emergency approval status?

A recent study released by Science Direct examined serious adverse events relating to mRNA vaccines:

“The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes.”

Science Direct 31 ose dataAugust 2022

It makes sense to dig a little deeper but researchers are stymied because the appropriate datasets are not publicly available.

A Pfizer whistle blower has spoken about data integrity issues during Pfizer trials including un-blinding a control group by vaccinating them, thus removing the opportunity of collating long-term data about the differences between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

In the absence of any long-term safety data, politicians and health officials continue to claim the mRNA vaccine is safe and effective when many of us believe it is neither.

We know the vaccinated take up more spaces in hospitals and morgues because vaccine effectiveness is short-lived and inferior to natural immunity, but is it safe?

The US vaccine adverse event reporting system, VAERS, is voluntary, as is NZ’s CARM reporting system. In the US a report must be lodged by a health official, not the patient, and can take between 1-1½ hours per patient, making it impractical.

It makes sense to streamline the reporting process here and make reporting mandatory. What are a few more bureaucrats recruited to do the job for a government super keen to stretch the public purse with more government employees and contractors when it suits them? Why haven’t they?

Over a year ago US health experts concluded:

Wednesday’s news that U.S. experts concluded there is a “likely association” between rare cases of heart inflammation and mRNA vaccines has finally presented the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots with a dose of adversity. The FDA said it will move quickly to require the companies to add a label warning that young adults and adolescents are susceptible to the side effect.

Fierce Pharma 21 June 2021

If the association between rare cases of heart inflammation and the mRNA vaccine was known in June 2021 why didn’t the NZ government instruct the jabbers to warn the jabbees, e.g. Roy Nairn and other vaccine-injured New Zealanders?

The answer is simple. Warning them gives them an opportunity to make an informed decision and this government made that decision for all of us when they mandated vaccination.

Despite the lack of long-term safety data and the lack of follow-up of vaccination health concerns, the US will probably forge ahead anyway and approve the latest Pfizer vaccine under emergency approval.

The updated Covid vaccine boosters, a reformulated version targeting the BA.5 omicron subvariant, could be available around Labor Day. They’ll be the first Covid shots distributed without results from human trials. Does that matter?

NBC News 31 August 2022

Health concerns matter.

How long before Dr Nikki trundles off into the sunset after Ashley Bloomfield and the other top NZ health officials who are too scared to hang around and face the ire of a public bullied into vaccination that was not effective and that may be causing long-term damage?
