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Daniel Andrews. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Mao famously shrugged off the news of millions of deaths in the Great Leap Forward by saying, “If you cut off one finger, you still have nine”. Frankly, Mao was an amateur at such callous spin-doctoring, compared to modern-day leftists like the “Chairman Dan” Andrews. What Mao should have said is, “If you only have nine fingers left, you have always had nine fingers”.

As Orwell might have said, you will always have just as many fingers as the Party decrees.

The Andrews government cut off 820 Victorians last year, but you wouldn’t notice that, if you listened to the Andrews government. As far as “Dictator Dan” has decreed, Victorians have only ever had, or will have, nine fingers.

The spin cycle is alive and well in Dan Andrews’ Victorian government when it comes to the coronavirus, and how the state’s statistics on the pandemic are reported to the media.

While states like NSW, South Australia and even Queensland continue to report daily running tallies of the number of deaths since COVID-19 was identified last year, Diary has noticed that Victoria — the state which has 764 more deaths than any other Australian state — has entirely airbrushed the state’s cumulative deaths from the coronavirus out of its daily reporting.

The Victorian government’s daily dashboard to the media and the public now simply features the number of lives lost “in the last 24 hours”.

Victorians are living in the eternal “Now” decreed by the Party. Forget the past, where people died because of an incompetent, lying socialist government. In the “Now”, all is sunshine and rainbows.

Conveniently, that means there’s no longer any need to mention the 820 Victorian lives lost to the pandemic during 2020 — largely due to the hotel quarantine debacle — in the Andrews government’s daily dashboard[…]

Meanwhile, full disclosure is alive and well in other states. NSW, for example, continues to every day faithfully report the 56 lives it has lost to COVID-19 since last March, despite the fact that number is a daily reminder of the state’s deadly Ruby Princess and Newmarch House outbreaks. Meanwhile, Queensland — to its credit — daily reports the six deaths it has had from coronavirus, and South Australia likewise its four recorded deaths.

But it seems that while other states are being fully transparent, the COVID-19 death toll in Dan’s Victoria has already been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Andrews is so addicted to spin that he even tried to monster Australia’s own People’s Daily, the overwhelmingly left-friendly ABC, from gazumping the Dear Leader’s daily propaganda addresses. Victorians, presumably oxygen-starved by their masks and with a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome from being placed under house-arrest, actually looked forward to “Dan Jong-Un” taking the podium every morning, obediently broadcast on every network.

It was a weird thing, to be on the phone to Victorians who would end the call at 11am sharp, gushing, “Ooh! Dan’s coming on! Got to go!”

The last thing that “Dictator Dan” wanted was some uppity hacks stealing his thunder.

A candid Rafael Epstein, ABC Radio Melbourne’s drive presenter, quietly revealed over the silly season that he was forced to resist some major pressure from the Victorian Premier’s office to stop releasing leaked, but accurate, coronavirus numbers each day before Andrews had a chance to announce them.

Epstein has revealed that he copped “furious calls and texts from government minders”, who “admonished me for tweeting the case number before the Premier’s press conference”. The line to him from Dan’s unnamed minders was: “People are rightfully scared and we have a role to play to try and minimise that.”

The Australian

So they’ve minimised it so much that they’ve made it disappear.

Nothing to worry about in the eternal Now of socialist utopia, Victoria.

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