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They say you can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. In the matter of the Israel-Gaza war, the Australian government is keeping all the worst company.

When Xi Xinping is patting you on the shoulder, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.

Anthony Albanese has effectively ruled out sending a warship to the Red Sea following a US request, a position lauded by China as evidence Australia is “distancing itself” from its closest ally.

The only problem is, Albanese is probably chuffed to the gills with such a compliment from his communist Big Daddy.

China’s state-run Global Times newspaper welcomed the government’s reluctance to send a warship to the Middle East and its decision to break with America in the UN as proof that Australia was shifting away from the US.

“It has finally stepped out of the US shadow to call for a ceasefire and could potentially act as a mediator in the conflict if needed,” the paper said. “That opportunity will be lost if it has a military presence in the region. It is sensible for Australia to continue distancing itself from the US.”

Yeah, this from the same dictatorship that routinely menaces Australian planes and ships, looted medical supplies while suppressing the news of the Covid outbreak and, most recently, deliberately injured Australian Navy divers. Such friends Albanese chooses to toady to.

The pledge of diplomatic backing for the mission to protect shipping from Iranian-backed Houthi rebels came barely a week after the Albanese government refused to vote with the US on a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

The Australian

That vote, along with craven joint statement from Albanese, Chris Luxon and Justin Trudeau, is one of the most shameful betrayals of a Western democracy since Chamberlain and Daladier handed Czechoslovakia to Hitler on a plate.

But it is music to the ears of the monsters of Hamas.

Canada’s controversial support last week of a non-binding United Nations resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza has earned a hearty thank you from Hamas.

In an English-language video statement issued earlier this week by Dr Ghazi Hamad, the senior leader of the Palestinian terror group praised ceasefire statements from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, describing them as a step in the right direction.

Oh, boy. Albo, Tithead and Little Potato must be so proud.

Sadly, at least two of them probably are.

In the video, consisting of Hamad standing in front of a still image of the Al Aqsa Mosque, he described Israel’s attempt to eliminate Hamas from Gaza as a “genocide.”

They have some great greenscreen setups in the billion-dollar penthouse suites in Qatar.

He said that Hamas “must teach Israel a lesson,” and said that everyday Palestinians are willing to “pay the price.”


While he and his bloodthirsty cronies rake in the billions. What a guy.
