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Hipkins Squirms and Makes like He Is Sgt. Shultz

Sgt. Shultz

Yesterday it was the turn of the Police Minister, Chris Hipkins, to face scrutiny over the overreach of Police reaching out to Interpol to dig dirt on Avi Yemeni. He made out like a slimmer version of Sgt. Schultz professing to not know anything. Given this story is now reaching millions worldwide he is showing a distinct lack of interest in his department breaching Interpol’s own constitution and rules.

Hipkins stated clearly that the Police should not have been involved in making a determination regarding whether or not Avi Yemeni or indeed anyone else can come to New Zealand. Sadly, he seems unaware that it was Police who clearly stated that it was them who wanted to stop Avi Yemeni coming to New Zealand.

Image credit/ Rebel News

Hipkins either doesn’t know what his department has been up to, or is wilfully blind to the shenanigans going on in his department. He really should be taking notice and lifting his game, because this is shaping up to be a scandal of immense proportions that may well end up with the NZ Government and Police having to tender a grovelling apology to Avi Yemeni for their illegal profiling.

So far only The Platform has covered this scandal. The NZ Herald went all in with a shameful article backing a Police investigation to find the “mole”, rather than going after the Police. They’ve shown their hand, and only a fool would go to David Fisher as a source. He’d burn them and snitch them out to the authorities in a heartbeat.

David Fisher approached me for comment calling the leaked email a “purported email” when he already knew from Police that the email was real. That shows you the inherent level of dishonesty in David Fisher. Of course, we all know that it was in fact real, otherwise, the Police wouldn’t have initiated a “mole” hunt.

The NZ Herald is worse than fake news, they are now in fact part of the Government’s propaganda wing that also includes Stuff. Imagine growing up as a little child, wanting to be a journalist at the NZ Herald and wanting to hold the powerful to account – bringing “truth to power” – only to grow up and go after Bernstein instead of Nixon. Because that’s what David Fisher is doing.

Our media is in a shameful state; they’ve become the prostitute press, shilling Government lines and agendas with no shame whatsoever. They are continually inserting themselves into the news instead of reporting the news. Something needs to change dramatically.

The mainstream media have abrogated their role as the fourth estate and have become lapdogs to the Ardern regime. They cannot be trusted and have become an enemy of the people instead of a safeguard and bulwark against Government excesses.

That leaves a chasm waiting to be filled by media who are prepared to actually report without fear or favour. We intend to fill that chasm and take the fight to both the mainstream media and those who hold positions of power.

Back us, not them. Put your money where our mouth is. Let us shine light into the foetid darkness that has enveloped both Government and Media and send the cockroaches scuttling for cover.

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