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The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Dawn Raid Shame lives on-

The above a Stuff heading re a grossly exaggerated unsurprisingly, RNZ podcast.

The Stuff report opens with a blatant lie; “Nearly 50 years after the police started a crackdown on Pasifika people in Auckland…”

The police did no such thing. The so-called dawn raids were aimed, not at Pasifika people as claimed but solely at illegal Pacific immigrants.

Islanders were legally coming into New Zealand in droves at the time, and through my association with boxing I knew many of them.

The rehashing of a half century old legitimate police exercise, carried out on government instructions, is a ludicrous beat-up.

Nothing has changed. The Police and other government agencies to this day, still pursue overstayers and illegal migrants and I don’t doubt, with the total backing of the wider public.

I say that as someone on record who hugely supports migration here which I believe has massively enhanced our life-style, and specially migration from Asia.

The issue was one of legality.

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