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Omar Barghouti, Co-Founder of BDS wearing the obligatory scarf that we all now associate with haters of Israel.

Last week I came across a fascinating website where I was able to read newspaper pages from a newspaper established in 1917.  I love to read original historical sources as the bias of a historian hasn’t been applied and the reader can decide for themselves what inferences can be drawn from the material.

Knowing what we know now about what Hitler’s Nazis ( theNational Socialist German Workers’ Party) did to the Jews, reading the information in the below pages takes on extra meaning. The warning signs were all there.

Notice how the tactics of the Modern day BDS movement were being used against the Jews back then.
Nazi leaders tell other Nazis not to buy from Jews just as the modern-day BDS activists tell others not to buy goods made by Israel. It is described as a hate campaign.
On this page the Nazis are now telling people who are not Nazis that they are not to buy from Jews just as the modern-day BDS movement campaign to stop other people from doing business with Israel.

I wish that history wouldn’t repeat but it does and we need to read the signs NOW, not many years after the fact.

Omar Barghouti, Co-Founder of BDS wearing the obligatory scarf that we all now associate with haters of Israel.
Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, calls himself a human rights activist, but he leads a campaign of hatred and anti-Semitism.
Omar Barghouti?s goal is not to change Israeli policy, but to completely eliminate the Jewish state. Indeed, in this video he concedes that an end to the ?occupation? of Judea and Samaria would not be enough to end BDS activity.

In December 2003, for example ? a year and a half before the BDS movement was officially launched ? Barghouti, hosted by the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine, spoke on the topic of ?International Solidarity With Palestine: Towards a Global Intifada,? repeating vicious blood libels and calling explicitly for ?the one-state solution,? whereby Jews would be a minority in an Arab state.
Indeed, he has stated that ?no Palestinian will ever accept a Jewish state In any part of Palestine.?
Watch and hear some of Barghouti?s hateful statements. Learn about his agenda and that of the BDS movement! […]


What kind of ‘human rights activist’

  • Calls for Israel’s destruction
  • Denies Jews the right to self-determination
  • Has ties with terror groups.
  • Opposes cooperation between Jews and Palestinians.

Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has done all of the above.


Here Is the Real News

Here Is the Real News

The real news is not to be found at six o’clock on One or Three but elsewhere in places such as YouTube.

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A Gun Lobby You Say?

A Gun Lobby You Say?

Bryce Edwards, and other lefty lickspittles with an axe to grind against the Government, keep on saying that Nicole McKee is in the thrall of the gun lobby. The only problem for them is that there isn’t such a thing.

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