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History Will Come to Praise Trump, Not Bury Him

Photo credit: Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump

I’m old enough to remember when Australian prime minister Malcolm Fraser was vilified as a “fascist dictator” and his name defaced with Nazi swastikas. I’m also old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan was going to immolate the world in a nuclear holocaust.

Yet Fraser went to his grave revered by the left as “the true champion of humanity”, farewelled with weepy paeans from the ABC. Reagan is fondly remembered today, characterised by what even the Washington Post noted as “gushing obits”.

More recently, both John McCain and Mitt Romney were reviled and vilified as presidential candidates. Both today are treated as heroes by the left.

It’s a reminder that the dominant narrative in the media denigrates all incumbent Republicans presidents and presidential candidates. The demonisation of Trump as a reincarnation of Adolph Hitler is different only in degree to the general modus operandi.

So, how will Donald Trump’s legacy likely be reassessed in years to come? The hitherto-dominant narrative about Trump has been wall-to-wall “Orange Man Bad!” shrieking, informed solely by gut reactions to Trump’s personality, while completely ignoring his astonishing array of policy achievements.

Trump’s stocks are at their lowest ebb which makes it a safe bet that history will be kinder to him than the propagandists masquerading as journalists writing the first draft[…]

In banning Trump from Twitter, CEO Jack Dorsey and his progressive, millenial minions have made the man something he could never have achieved on his own: a martyr to free speech.

But Trump’s legacy will extend far, far beyond that.

Moreover, as history shows that the left-media’s demons are rehabilitated by history, their saints’ clay feet are exposed. Bill Clinton is today mostly remembered as an abuser of women who gleefully hobnobbed with child-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Barack Obama, sainted by the media, has a record that would shame George W Bush.

Trump’s record will stand him in good stead, while Barack Obama, beloved of intellectuals for his sophistry, will in time be seen to have imperilled the West.

Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords and his removal of the obstacles that Obama erected to frustrate fracking, will eventually be recognised as the correct path to reduce emissions without saddling the economy with deadweight costs.

Trump’s withdrawal from Obama’s billion dollar deal[…]will be recognised as the only moral course, in the face of the Ayatollahs’ implacable antisemitism[…]

Despite all the platitudes peddled by the Left, Trump’s Abraham Accords are the first concrete steps in decades to bring peace to the Middle East and reconciliation between Arabs and Jews. And while the elite was making a motza in China, Trump called out the offshoring of American jobs and the threat posed by the CCP to the West[…]

Domestically, Trump deregulated which fostered rapid economic expansion, in particular lifting the wages of the lowest-paid workers.

Most significantly, Trump was the first American president in half a century not to start any wars. Obama, on the other hand, has the dire record of the most time at war – his entire term in office, in fact – of any American president.

Donald Trump is the first American president in half a century not to start any wars. The BFD.

Even Trump’s supposed Achilles heel, the Chinese virus pandemic, will be seen as much less of a “failure” than the left-media and the Washington Swamp would have you believe.

It is an incontrovertible fact that HCQ, the cheap, generic drug that Trump championed, or as the Democrats and their shills in the media put it, that he ‘touted’, dramatically reduces the lethality of Covid[…]In time, the health authorities that demonised the drug will be reviled and the brave doctors who risked their careers to save their patients lives will be vindicated.

The same goes for the disorder at the Capitol in January. No matter how much the left-media and their RINO bootlickers rant, rave and clutch their pearls, the American people are quite capable of contrasting their sudden attacks of the vapours with their salivating glorification of and constant incitement to violence for the past four years. Americans still cleaning up the rubble and mourning the dead from “mostly peaceful protests” are right to be sceptical of Democrats fainting over a nutter in a viking helmet.

There’s a poetic justice that so many Democratic lawmakers were forced to endure a few hours of the lawlessness that they turned a blind eye to throughout 2020, when their constituents saw their businesses looted and city centres in flames.

Spectator Australia

“Politicians shouldn’t have to live in fear,” wittered one media empty head.

Au contraire, I rather suspect that they’d govern slightly better if they had to keep one eye out for the tar and feathers.

And history will come to praise Trump, not bury him.

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