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Image Credit: Jared Enos

Rick Mac

I’m sure that there are many readers out there, who, like me, are utterly appalled at the obscene and repulsive antisemitic behavior that we are witnessing in the streets of many Western cities today.

Swastikas displayed. Nazi salutes given. Chants of “Gas the Jews” and “F**k the Jews”.

Many of our grandfathers (who fought to destroy this exact same evil 80 years ago) would have been sickened by this. Certainly, they had a far better grasp on the nature and reality of evil than we do today. For all the screeching from the woke brigade about racism, oppression and the so-called ‘apartheid state’, the hate-filled diatribes and rioting that we are seeing in the streets of our cities just makes me wonder who the real Nazis are. Support for Hamas means you are onboard with perpetuating the Final Solution. Hitler would have been elated at this.

I have spent much of my life researching the Holocaust. I am also unashamedly, a dispensational Bible-believing Christian. I have never been to Auschwitz and I have never visited Israel, much as I would like to. But this I do know: antisemitism is the singular mark and outward expression of Satan himself. Whether one is talking about replacement theology in the church or the social Darwinism of Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler, antisemitism, at its root, is a malevolent spiritual evil and sickness.

This is not to say that Israel is above and beyond any legitimate criticism. There are things about modern day Israel that I can never support or endorse. The promotion and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ movement is one example. But that is not a reason to wipe them off the face of the Earth. Something (by the way) that would happen to the ‘Queers of Palestine’ ignoramuses, who labour under the delusional belief that Islam would be accepting of them.

From a biblical perspective, however, I would just want to say that the One, True, Living God has only one foreign-policy statement in all of scripture. Genesis 12:3: God says to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you (speaking of Israel) and I will curse those who curse you.” This recurring pattern is found right throughout scripture and, indeed, throughout history. For example, I have no doubt that the ongoing Islamification of Europe is, in fact, a divine judgement – albeit a delayed one – for what happened to the Jewish people in Europe between 1933–1945. Given that fact, and judging from the grotesque spectacles we are witnessing across our cities and universities throughout the West, I’d say we are skating on very thin ice indeed.

I disclose: I am 64 years old and a senior librarian. I am a New Zealander although I spent many years in South Africa where I meet my lovely wife. I was a minister in the Anglican Church, but left in disgust at the abysmal capitulation of biblical truth in that institution.
