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When idiots have to share their brain cell. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Who’d want to be a fly on the wall when Anthony Albanese and Jacinda Ardern get together? Not me, that’s for sure. It’d be like listening to Monty Python’s “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch as re-done by two middle-aged socialists.

“When I were a girl, I ‘ad to work in fish and chip shop!”

“Work? When I were a lad on t’council estate, I used to dream of workin’!”

“Well, when I say fish and chip shop, it were a tar-paper shack in t’middle of road, wi’ one frying pan fill wi’ auld sump oil.”

“Sump oil? Luxury! I used t’ave to fight a feral possum for week-old fish-fingers from the dumpster — and pay supermarket owner for t’privilege!”

“Well, of course, I ‘ad it tough…”

“Aye, and it were all t’capitalists fault!”

When they’re not boring the pants off anyone with the misfortune to be within earshot, our two mutually-loathed antipodean socialists were carrying on with all the decorum of a tribe of bonobos who’ve found the zookeeper’s viagra stash. Talk about bumping uglies.

This is some very ugly bumping. The BFD.

So, what great matters of state did these two actually discuss — once they’d actually stopped posing for selfies like a pair of narcissistic teenagers? I mean, besides swapping hipster records that last got aired back in the 90s, when JJJ still thought it was the hip’n’happening thing?

Well, of course Jacinda starting stumping for Kiwi criminals. As she does.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she would like to “see movement” on the “extraordinary” deportations of New Zealanders who are “essentially Australians”.

In Sydney for her first bilateral meeting with Anthony Albanese, Ms Ardern said she would raise the deportation issue with her counterpart, saying it had been a “bugbear” for her government for a “long time” […]

“Sending them back to New Zealand, that’s where we’ve had the grievance,” she said.

The Australian

And it’s the sending them to Australia where we have the grievance. Deal with your own trash in your own yard, Jacinda.

Oh, I forgot: you can’t. Neither can your useless police minister. That’s why you’ve got daily shootings in Auckland and the only growth industry in your country is criminal gangs.

In the meantime, no doubt Ardern is banging on as robotically as an Amway salesman, trying to get Albanese signed up to the WEF’s “Great Reset”.

In the quiet between the clicking of selfies, you can almost hear Klaus whispering into Jacinda’s earpiece. “Gut… gut… now say, ‘you vil own nuzzink unt you vil be happy’…”

Tit for tat. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.


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