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Hollywood Stars Deserve Guns Because They’re Better Than You

Joe Rogan recently blasted the hypocrisy of Hollywood elites over guns. “No one is more anti-gun than Hollywood…the left-wing people in Hollywood are the most vocal, the most virtue-signaling, the quickest to jump on their pedestal. Meanwhile, what percentage of their f***ing movies involve gun violence?”

As Rogan also noted, however, their hypocrisy doesn’t end there. The “liberal” left elite of Hollywood feel perfectly entitled to wall themselves off from the real world, protected by security guards armed to the teeth with the very same “assault-style” weapons that Hollywood wants to ban from the common herd.

Alyssa Milano is the queen of Hollywood virtue-signalling, ignorant intolerance. Not to mention the high priestess of hypocrisy.

Liberal actress Alyssa Milano revealed Tuesday that she has two guns in her home for self-defense during a conversation Tuesday with Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican.

The “conversation” came after Milano appealed on Twitter for “civil discourse”, immediately before barraging Cruz with threats and insults. Hypocrisy is almost a way of life for these preening elites.

As agreed on Twitter last week, Milano and Cruz discussed gun control in Cruz’s Capitol Hill office. Milano, who was accompanied by the father of a teenage Parkland shooting victim, argued for universal background checks on guns as well as ammunition and restricting access to AR-15s […] “By the way,” Milano interjected, “I have two guns in my household for self-defense, just so you know.”

What on earth does she have to be afraid of?

Milano also revealed that she had waken up that morning with a “panic attack” because Cruz represents her fear of being shot.

Is it just me, or does this suggest that Milano’s grasp on reality is slightly less than firm? It’s a wonder she didn’t start gibbering about Cruz being the Zodiac Killer.

Best known for role in TV sitcoms like “Charmed,” Milano has under President Donald Trump become a prominent activist for abortion rights and liberal immigration laws. Her focus has lately turned to gun control because of a spate of headline-grabbing mass shootings last month.

Well, of course, we need the chick from Who’s the Boss? telling us how to live our lives.

Perhaps the best rebuttal of Milano’s unhinged, illiberal nuttiness came from the Twitter user who reminded her of her boasts about how many abortions she’d had. “Your vagina has killed more people than my AR-15.”
