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Shallow Focus Photo of Man Reading Newspaper
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The “Stuff” newspaper chain, bought for a dollar by a woman under whose management has seen a massive collapse in readership, must be the most incompetently run organisation outside of some government departments in our history.

Ten days after I pointed out its website’s heading on an item, “Bowels: The Secret to Empty them Entierly”, it still remains up.  It continues running polls on issues with the infantile heading, “Yeah, Nah, Do you Support…” etc.

So how does Stuff survive given its dramatically collapsed readership? Simple; we are all forced to pay for it through our taxes and devious ways government agencies prop it up. In return, it delivers pro-government articles and cartoons, despite its so-called cartoonists arguably being the worst in cartoon history. The upcoming National-Act coalition should promptly put an end to this.

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