Bob Jones
Knowing the game is up and campaigning for our worst ever government is a lost cause, Stuff is in a meltdown of desperation.
Consider this –
They (and the NZ Herald) ran stories about the National Party’s plan to levy tax on foreign house purchasers specifically they cited a self-proclaimed economist outfit called Corelogic claiming the scheme would be ineffectual and raise bugger all.
That was a few weeks back. But last week the Post led with a front-page story quoting the same mob, now claiming this proposition would drive up house prices, this on an argument of mind-boggling irrationality.
They now claimed that the tax would bring more buyers into the market, which if so is certainly a radical new economic theory when it comes to taxation.
I can’t give further details as the front-page story finished off in mid-sentence with a message in bold type “TURN TO PAGE 4” for its continuation.
But far from continuing it had disappeared into the ether as it could not be found on page 4 or anywhere else.
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