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Big Tech played a crucial role in the Taliban’s victory. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Donald Trump is banned from Twitter — the Taliban is not.

Think on that: since a famously “progressive” Big Tech company refuses a platform to an American president, but happily plays host to one of America’s most deadly enemies. A prescribed terrorist organisation notorious for its violently non-“progressive” stance on everything from women’s to gay rights.

But if Twitter and Facebook are content to host the Taliban, the Taliban must be besides themselves with the invaluable service that Silicon Valley has provided them in its war against America.

It has been widely reported that Taliban leaders used Facebook’s WhatsApp and Twitter to help capture Kabul. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid enjoys free reign on Twitter with an account that has over 300,000 followers.

Facebook’s WhatsApp has become the de facto communication platform of the Taliban, who reportedly used the service to spread propaganda, communicate with residents of Kabul, and share official statements with the world.

Facebook and Twitter make a big song and dance about “clamping down on hate” — at the same time that they are literally enabling terrorism.

Meanwhile Twitter and Facebook banned the sitting President of the United States back in January and millions of conservative Christians face shadowbans, deplatforming, and blacklisting at the hands of Big Tech companies. If you are a Christian conservative in the United States of America you are treated worse and have less freedom online than the Taliban.

Even worse, the leftist NGOs who’ve spent the past five years screeching themselves hoarse about “hate” have suddenly fallen silent.

The significance of Big Tech’s involvement in the destabilization of Afghanistan is largely being ignored by the likes of the ADL, SPLC, and the many other activist groups who for years have lobbied Big Tech platforms, hosting providers, payment processors, and more to deplatform and defame Gab and our community.

The left-media love to demonise free speech sites like Gab as some kind of “home of hate”, but it wasn’t Gab which livestreamed the Christchurch massacre. The Taliban aren’t using Gab as their telecommunications infrastructure.

Facebook and Twitter are once again getting a pass for the many horrors of humanity that they allow to occur on their platforms, while Gab is demonized and deplatformed for giving a home to political dissidents in the United States and other Western countries.

Gab doesn’t host the Taliban. When the U.S. government tells us America’s enemies are on the platform, we take action. Facebook and Twitter do not[…]

Big Tech played a tremendous role in the embarrassing travesty that is unfolding in Afghanistan and it’s time to start talking about it.

Gab News

As Orwell wrote of the British “intelligentsia” of the 30s and 40s, there was nothing they hated so much as Britain — so much so that they would have almost been happy to see it lose the War.

Nearly a century later, there is no “almost” about the American left-elite. They are not only deliriously happy to see America lose, they’re doing whatever they can to make it happen.

Including helping the Taliban.

Big Tech played a crucial role in the Taliban’s victory. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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