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How Dare Aborigines Think for Themselves

The face that really frightens the Australian left. Jacinta Nampijinpa Price.

Boy, the left really hate it when those coloured folks get all uppity and start thinking for themselves. Their disdain is almost as visceral as their hatred of “deplorable” lower-class whites. For a while, though, working-class whites were, as Julie Bindel pointed out, the only group the left would allow to be openly mocked and vilified.

All that’s changed, though, as more and more non-whites openly reject the left. Woke leftists who see “racism” around every corner, without a blush of shame screech that black Americans or Aboriginal Australians are “Uncle Toms”, “coons” or “house niggers” (their prohibition against the “n-word” goes right out the window, when it suits), should they dare to walk off the left’s ideological plantation.

Nyunggai Warren Mundine, former National President of Australian Labor, later an unsuccessful candidate for the Liberal Party, has assiduously documented the torrent of racial abuse he’s received on social media from the left. His crime? Rejecting the racially divisive “Indigenous Voice” campaign.

Another favourite target of the left is Aboriginal Australian senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price — who not only rejects the “Voice”, but has the temerity to call out the ABC’s blatant bias.

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price claims the ABC will only give a “one-sided view” of the Voice to parliament referendum, saying she finds it “deeply troubling” as a First Nations person […]

“Particularly in our in our current climate, we don’t need any more ideology being peddled nationally,” she told the gathering in Canberra on Saturday.

“We need a fair broadcaster, particularly as it is a taxpayer-funded broadcaster.”

We need it — that doesn’t mean we’re going to get it. Expecting the ABC to not be biased is like expecting the New Zealand media not to take the Ardern government’s bribery.

Senator Price said she had the “unfortunate but also satisfying opportunity to successfully sue the ABC”.


I think most Australians would be satisfied to get some of their money back from the ABC, instead of the ALP media wing plundering our pockets to the tune of a billion dollars a year.

But the left’s hatred of “mouthy” coloured folk has gotten so bad that even left-wing bible Crikey can see it.

We wouldn’t expect white people to agree on even low-stakes quandaries like the best colour to paint a house, whether Velcro or shoelaces on sneakers are better, or whether the week starts on Sunday or Monday. Why we would think a consensus view would or should emerge among the land’s 798,400 First Nations peoples about a high-stakes question about how to build a better future for themselves, their kids, and their communities?

Ignore the “First Nations” palaver, naturally: this is Crikey, after all. Of course they’re going to parrot whatever the currently fashionable, imported nonsense-slogan is all the rage with the Australian left.

In the same way that there is no singular point of view of “white people” or “women”, there’s no unified “Indigenous” one either. If we want to know how to vote, we’ll need to do what we do on every other issue: take the advice of someone we trust, or find some reputable sites, do some reading and make up our own bloody minds.


How dare you.

You’ll do as your white betters in the inner suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney tell you, and you’ll be grateful, you dusky, simple-minded little children, you.
