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The BFD. Snitch Culture. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

Colin Parkinson

This nation has been basically torn apart by the current government and the opposition parties have done little to stop it. Think back to 2019. Now imagine how you would react if someone told you the following would happen in New Zealand over the next few years:

  • People walking the street would keep 2 metres away from other humans lest they contract disease from them.
  • Children, including primary school children from Year 4 and older would be told to wear masks over their faces in class in the hot summer weather even when there was no air conditioning.
  • People would even wear masks while driving alone in their cars.
  • People’s movements in society would be tracked and they would be told they must scan or sign in wherever they go. Security guards would even be placed at the front of supermarkets to make sure customers complied with this.
  • People would be told to report their neighbours to the authorities if they were seen having guests visit their houses.
  • If police suspected you of the terrible crime of having your parents pop by for a cup of tea, they could enter your house without a search warrant.
  • Society would be divided into classes where the elite class had special rights and the second class were excluded from much of society.
  • People who refused to be injected with a mysterious, experimental substance would be barred from dining in cafes and restaurants and even denied emergency dental treatment at their local dentist.
  • Doctors and nurses would risk losing their medical licences if they dared to question the safety of the mysterious substance being injected into people and, if they refused to be injected themselves, they would be unable to practise medicine.
  • The Bill of Rights would have almost no meaning and orders would be dictated via the media with usual parliamentary process all but obsolete.
Back then you would have thought it could only happen to people perhaps in some foreign communist dictatorship, but never in New Zealand.

You would have laughed at anyone who claimed that the above would happen in New Zealand.

“Surely no one in New Zealand would allow this to happen.” you might have said. “New Zealanders might be laid-back people, but surely there would be protests.”

Would you have believed back then that those who dared to protest would be labelled “conspiracy theorists”, “racists”, “far-right”, “white supremacists”, “Trump supporters” and “Maori separatists” for requesting that things go back to ‘normal’?

  • Families have been torn apart.
  • Many people including doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers, fire fighters and others who have contributed much to this country have been put out of work.
  • People are suffering.
  • People have died.

Why are all these terrible things happening? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once answered this very question:

Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened. “Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

I believe that the people of New Zealand need to look at what has caused all this to happen in the first place.

I find that once again as I look around the world myself, that if I were to also try to summarise the reason for all the suffering that is happening both now and throughout all history as accurately and concisely as possible, I could perhaps do no better than to also repeat: “Men have forgotten God, that is why all these terrible things have happened.”

Men have forgotten God and turned from Him. They do not acknowledge God, so they do not acknowledge that we are made in the image of God. As a result, they have no understanding of the value of human life. People are considered as merely animals and there is little to no regard for others.

When man refuses to acknowledge God, he refuses to acknowledge any power higher than himself. There is a void that must be filled and what shall fill that void?

“Love thy neighbour” is replaced by “You only live once.”

We see people driven by fear and panic. We see hate, anger, bitterness and division. We have “kindness” preached at us from our Prime Minister, but we do not see that kindness extended to us from the politicians elected to represent us.

But we get the government that we deserve and many willingly voted these politicians into power. This nation has turned its back on God and voted for those who support abortion and euthanasia.

Did God make a mistake when he gave a woman a child? Should the child be killed through abortion just because someone thinks that this is their “right”?

Did God make a mistake when he gave an elderly person one more day of life? Should that person be killed through “euthanasia”?

Doctors may be able to kill a woman’s unborn child, but she will always be a mother.

Doctors may be able to kill an elderly patient to end the earthly pain, but where will they go when they die? Will they be sending them to a place of worse suffering?

God made us all, and He loves us dearly. If He tells us something is wrong, then who are we to question, if He grants us a day on this earth, who are we to discard it? How is it that we now include killing people in the definition of “healthcare”?

When a nation can support the killing of our children before they are born (abortion), the killing of our sick and elderly (euthanasia), calling all this “healthcare”, it is time to repent.
How is it any different to “Aktion T4”? Was that not also labelled “healthcare”?

Now that the government has turned on the general population, pushing everyone to receive “healthcare” (an experimental vaccine), there is an outcry from those affected, but it is just the “unvaccinated” minority (although others are crying out also).

First, they came for the unborn child, then they came for the sick and elderly, then they came for the “unvaccinated”. It starts to sound a little too much like the poem of Pastor Martin Niemoller. Who is next on the list and who will be left to answer their call for help?

As a Christian, my hope is not in any government or political party, but in God. I believe though that I must speak out against the injustice that I see and call those who are lost to repent, directing them to Jesus Christ, our only true Hope and Saviour. Having said that, I also believe that we need to vote for those who will stand against injustice also, for those who are not ashamed of Jesus Christ and who are not ashamed of the Gospel.

We have a Prime Minister who claims to be the single source of truth, yet she has rejected the Truth and does not seem to even recognise what truth is.

We need to repent as a nation, having seen the result of voting for those who have no regard for God and therefore no regard for human life.

We are made in the image of God and if people do not know God, they do not even know who they are themselves. Without this knowledge they are lost and do not understand the value of human life.

But this is how much we are worth to God: He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. (See: John, 3:16) This is the value of the unborn child, the sick, the elderly and the “unvaccinated”.

