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How Long before the National Party Here Are Raided for Their China Links?

A NSW Labor MP has been suspended from his party after raids of his house as part of an ASIO investigation into possible Chinese Communist Party influence.

NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane has been suspended from the party after his properties were raided by federal agents as part of an ASIO investigation into possible Chinese Communist Party influence.

Labor’s Sussex Street head office formally suspended Mr Moselmane on Friday, after leader Jodi McKay called the party’s general secretary Bob Nanva and urged him to act.

At a press conference earlier this morning, Ms McKay said Mr Moselmane would no longer sit in the party room, adding that his membership was “being suspended as we speak”.

“I, in the last hour, have asked the general secretary of the party to begin the process of suspending his membership of the Labor Party. It’s the right thing to do,” Ms McKay said on Friday morning.

“He will no longer sit in the caucus. He will no longer be a Labor Party member. His membership is being suspended as we speak.”

Ms McKay said she had been advised that search warrants had been executed on Mr Moselmane’s home and office.

She said the matter was “dreadfully concerning” and “terrible”.

Chinese Communist Party influence in a nation’s politics is very concerning and troubling. ASIO has acted to protect Australia’s democracy.

I wonder however when someone here is going to act and raids start on those in the National Party with close links to the Chinese Communist Party?

The BFD Simon Bridges with Yikun Zhang

The SFO is already aware of the money flow from CCP connected accounts in China to the coffers of the National Party. That evidence is going to prove very embarrassing for the National Party next year, or earlier if depositions are heard soon.

I wonder who else in the New Zealand body politic on both sides of the aisle will be feeling a bit squeamish about their dreadfully concerning and terrible links to the Chinese Communist Party?

Phil Goff and Yikun Zhang

Australia is currently under sustained attack by China. At some point we are going to have to pick sides.

I’ll bet neither Todd Muller nor Nikki Kaye have any idea at just how deep the links with the CCP are into the National Party. But presumptive leader Chris Luxon does.

Best they start asking questions about the money trail, before media start.
