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How Long Can the UNRWA Be Allowed?

Besides distributing anti-Semitic textbooks, UNRWA staff have been caught sharing violently anti-Jewish social media posts. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

How much longer can the UN be allowed to continue?

As we reported at The BFD some years ago, the UN agency in ‘Palestine’, the UNRWA, was found to be complicit in not just “sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority” but directly distributing violently antisemitic propaganda to schoolchildren in Gaza and the West Bank. As a result, multiple European nations withdrew funding for the agency. Even New Zealand was eventually forced, albeit with obvious reluctance, to cut off funding.

Now, even the UN admits that its own agency is guilty of much, much worse than even all that.

The UN agency for Palestinian affairs said Friday it was terminating the contracts of several staff members after Israel alleged agency workers had participated in the Hamas attack Oct 7 that left 1,200 people in Israel dead and triggered the current fighting in Gaza […]

UNRWA did not say how many employees had come under suspicion; the United States put the number at 12. The agency employs around 13,000 people in Gaza, where it provides food assistance, health care and education.

‘Education’, as we’ve already discovered, consisted of textbooks urging children to kill Jews. UNRWA sites have been used as military installations by Hamas, who have also repeatedly plundered ‘relief supplies’ donated to the UNRWA.

But that was just the start.

UNRWA ‘teachers’ ‘openly celebrated’ the 7 October attacks. Released hostages have testified that they were held at the homes of UNRWA workers.

Now, it appears that UNRWA workers were direct participants in the atrocities of 7 October.

Like much of the ‘Pallywood’ industrial complex, the UNRWA has rolled in money from international donors.

The United States has given UNRWA more than $1 billion since 2021. A National Security Council spokesperson said in November that the State Department maintained “rigorous oversight” over the agency’s policies, programs, and finances.

The Washington Post

Money which is, belatedly, coming to a screeching halt.

Australia is among a growing list of countries that have paused funding for the United Nations’ refugee agency for Palestinians, after Israel alleged some of the agency’s staff were involved in the October 7 terrorist attacks.

On Saturday, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands and Finland became the latest countries to pause funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

ABC Australia

Well, that’s a start.

The next step should be to suspend funding for any agency whose initials begin with “UN”.


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