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How Many Adverse Events in New Zealand Are There Really?

Ben Jonutz at Southern Heart Cardiology in Dunedin in January 2022. Credit: 1 News

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Medsafe was recently asked about the Safety Reports which stopped being published in Dec 2022 (and included adverse event data up to the end of November 2022).  They said they aren’t going to publish the reports in the same format as they feel they have established the safety profile of Comirnaty, so they are not looking for new signals. We have been asking for over two years why they ignore all the safety signals that are shrieking loudly.

“We are not intending to do reports in the same way as the safety profile is well characterised. We continue to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines but have identified no new safety signals. The vaccines still have provisional approval.”

This is despite the fact that since the end of November 2022, NZ has introduced two new flavours of covid vaccine – the poorly tested infant one for under 5s (only 103 infants have been injected with the first dose as at 19 May 2023) and the bivalent booster (tested on 8 mice prior to use in humans), which does not contain any mRNA relevant to current strains.

Obtaining Adverse Events Information

New Zealanders have been interested in this information, perhaps for obvious reasons as they are seeing loved ones become inexplicably ill and/or die suddenly, and some have requested information via OIA.

So, attempting to piece together the state of adversely affected Kiwis, we have a few sources of information, but they provide wildly differing numbers.

Firstly there is the previous safety monitoring data.

Medsafe Safety Report 46

According to Safety Report 46, which has the data up to the end of November 2022 there were over 64,000 total reports and 3,688 AEFI reports that were serious, with 184 reports of death.

Adverse events Medsafe

Secondly there is an OIA request that asked for the up-to-date information that previously was contained in the Safety Reports from Medsafe.  Medsafe provided directions to a page on their website where this information is to be presented.

When ‘COVID-19 vaccine’ is searched for on this webpage, from the beginning of the rollout to now there are only 116 total reports, including 6 reported deaths. Where are the rest of them?

If ‘detail’ is selected there is more information about each report and within the first few reports there are 4 babies or toddlers listed with a date of May or Jun 2021.  Presumably, this means these babies were exposed via breastmilk as they would not have been eligible for their own vaccination in Jun 2021. Various reactions are noted in the babies – irritability, rash, febrile convulsion.

Interestingly this database can search for ‘COVID-19 vaccine’ and ‘famtozinameran’ but not Comirnaty or ‘tozinameran’.  Famtozinameran  is one of the active ingredients in the bivalent booster. They are not making it easy are they?

Detail for COVID-19 vaccine between 1/1/2021 and 26/5/2023

Number of reports for COVID-19 vaccine: 116
Number of reports where death was reported: 6
Number of reactions: 348

Adverse events Medsafe search

Thirdly there is information from another OIA requested in April 2023 about adverse events.

The requester asked:

2. Can I have a breakdown of all serious adverse event following immunisation reports following COVID-19 vaccination for each vaccine used based on the following classifications?
i. is a medically important event or reaction
ii. requires hospitalisation or prolongs an existing hospitalisation
iii. causes persistent or significant disability or incapacity
iv. is life threatening
v. causes a congenital anomaly/birth defect
vi. results in death.

Medsafe answered:???????

Please see the below table for information of all adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination by the Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Novavax vaccines. Please note that for data under the value of six, this is represented as <6 to protect the privacy of individuals.

Adverse events OIA Table 1

So according to this information, there have now been 184 deaths and 13,857 serious adverse events (not including congenital effects).  That’s an awful lot more than the 3,688 that were reported up until Nov 2022.

The reason is that MOH “lost in the system” over 7000 reports of serious events received by September 2022, and have just admitted this in this OIA response. They claimed their software was not capable of handling the unexpected number of reports. So, we think this sudden absence of reporting by Medsafe since November 2022 has far more to do with hiding this embarrassingly large safety signal from the public, and perhaps the government, than because ” the safety profile is well established”.

Why are so many  New Zealanders still dropping dead suddenly then, if it is just another normal day of regulatory affairs at Medsafe? Despite most jabbed Kiwis feeling they are fine, a large minority are proof of the serious harms from Comirnaty and we MUST NOT LET THIS BECOME THE NEW NORMAL, especially as many more such gene shots are planned for us by the WHO and drug companies.

Fourthly this OIA asked about adverse reactions to the infant vaccine.  An infant Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has been available for compromised infants under the age of 5 since 9 Feb 2023. According to the MoH data and statistics up to 19 May 2023 only 103 infants have had their first (of three) doses of Pfizer vaccine.

The requestor asked for:

“Any data relating to number of deaths of infants who have received the Covid vaccine in 2023.”

The answer from Health New Zealand was:

“We are unable to provide data relating to the number of deaths of infants who have received the COVID-19 vaccine as it would involve manually linking mortality data to vaccine data.  Therefore, this part of your request is refused under section 18(f) as it would require substantial collation.”

This is a far from reassuring response as it suggests that one or more infants have died following vaccination with Comirnaty (if mortality data needs to be linked).  We struggle to understand why looking at data for 103 infants would require ‘substantial collation’ when vaccine information is linked to NHI (National Health Index) numbers via the Covid Immunisation Register (CIR) and this sort of data appears to be readily available to researchers, such as Dr Helen Petousis-Harris, who are monitoring the outcomes of all New Zealanders post vaccination.

Fifthly, ACC presumably has data too but we have been unable to find any up-to-date information.

Sixthly, the Health Forum NZ also has a large database of dead and injured New Zealanders that is a devastating testament to the public being failed at every level. Our colleague Dr Guy Hatchard has summed this up well in his latest essay Inside the Covid Cult: “You can hardly avoid news of sudden onset illness or unexpected deaths in the daily newspapers or among friends, but there is always an innocuous sounding cause on offer. If considered rationally, the unprecedented number of unusual deaths would render these excuses implausible. However, cults don’t do rational.”

There are many very obvious jab deaths in the public database, and we have reported several in detail where the “safety committee” and coroners scrabble around for any remote cause possible to avoid the elephant in the vaccination room. The cowardice and evasion on display will go down in history.

To summarise, we absolutely do not think the ‘safety profile is well characterised‘. We know vast numbers of adverse effects have been swept under the carpet and ignored.  Many New Zealanders are suffering from debilitating medical conditions, many undiagnosed or undiagnosable until doctors in the mainstream medical system consider the toxic substances that have been injected, and decide to value their duties over their obedience to the Medical Council.

So much for transparency and robust reporting. It is up to each and every New Zealander to ask the questions about how many of us are being harmed, how to diagnose harm from vaccine-induced spike protein, synthetic mRNA, lipid nanoparticles and various contaminants, as well as how to treat the many varied and unusual conditions that are coming to light.?
